Course on Data Management and Analysis with SPSS for Health Professionals (Basic level)

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Course on Data Management and Analysis with SPSS for Health Professionals (Basic level)

Take on statistics thanks to the SPSS program

The need to learn to handle health data matrices with updated statistical software requires basic knowledge of computer science, information management and statistics that are not usually the subject of regulated university education. And it is necessary to continuously adapt professionals with these tools in order to apply them in their jobs.

The continuous updating of the SPSS versions that incorporate new functionalities and techniques for the treatment and analysis of data make it necessary to review both statistical and user knowledge of the software for its optimum use. Both in the formal and interpretive aspects and accessing all corners of the program accessible to professionals with basic-user level computer skills.


Data Management and Analysis with SPSS for Health Professionals (Basic level)

  • Session 1: Work environment with SPSS.
  • Session 2: Program configuration, menu structure and Help.
  • Session 3: Managing and modifying data files.
  • Session 4: Management and modification of variables.
  • Session 5: Descriptive statistics of variables. Editing of graphs and tables.
  • Session 6: Compare averages and 1-way ANOVA.
  • Session 7: Covariation between variables: correlation and regression.
  • Session 8: Contingency tables: Risk, Cohen's Kapa, McNemar, Chi square.
  • Session 9: Alternatives if the application conditions are not met.
  • Session 10: Power Analysis and Sample Measurement.


Juan Martín Aliaga Ugarte Juan Martín Aliaga Ugarte Professor

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