The current economic situation caused by the Coronavirus-Covid-19 pandemic will cause a restructuring of the business world in which bankruptcy law will play a fundamental role.
The purpose of this highly specialized professional course in bankruptcy law is to teach the student everything related to this specialty, from the moment the company goes into crisis (pre-bankruptcy situation) until the end of that situation, escaping from bankruptcy, in a bankruptcy process with an agreement or with liquidation. Among the subjects of study are which legal instruments the company has in order to escape from insolvency, and otherwise, legally accompany the company in the bankruptcy process until its completion, either by agreement or by liquidation.
Throughout this highly specialized professional course, absolutely all matters related to bankruptcy will be studied. Commercial-bankruptcy, procedural, labor, criminal, contract law, etc. Any student who passes the course will be able to face with knowledge and competence any procedure related to the matter, among them, file bankruptcy proceedings, appear therein or participate in any of the incidents, or participate as a bankruptcy administration; in general, student will be able to perform any task entrusted to them by their client in relation to his/her own- or third-party insolvency.
In crisis scenarios, bankruptcy law and restructuring are opportunities for professionals.Currently, the economic crisis that looms behind the new economic structures resulting from the debacle caused by the pandemic opens up a great job opportunity for lawyers specializing in bankruptcy law. This crisis is going to cause entire sectors of the Spanish economy, and the European economy in general, to go through restructuring, bankruptcy, and even disappear. In this sense, bankruptcy law will gain prominence in the world of commercial law, generating multiple job opportunities for lawyers who are capable of facing this work with sufficient technical competence.
This highly specialized course is eminently practical; All the professors are either practicing magistrates, specialists in the subjects taught mainly by commercial specialists, or practicing lawyers with extensive experience in the world of restructuring and bankruptcy law who work in leading Spanish law firms. The students will be in contact with these top-level professionals and magistrates, who will also open doors for them in the labor world and facilitating their access to the bankruptcy world.
This course also meets all the requirements to register on the list of insolvency administrators of almost all the bar associations in Spain. Students who pass the course will be able and have sufficient knowledge to practice the profession of bankruptcy administrators, as well as a lawyer for the insolvent debtor, or lawyer for creditors.
6 ECTS | Module 1: Pre-bankruptcy phase
6 ECTS | Module 2: Bodies of the insolvency process and effects of the insolvency process
8 ECTS | Module 3: Processing of the insolvency procedure
1 ECTS | Module 4: Sale of the Productive unit
3 ECTS | Module 5: End of the insolvency proceedings
2 ECTS | Module 6: Procedural aspects
2 ECTS | Module 7: Insolvency proceedings for a legal person
1 ECTS | Module 8: Criminal aspects of insolvency
1 ECTS | Module 9: International insolvency proceedings
Ha sido Letrado del Consejo General del Poder Judicial (2001-2010, Jefe de sección del gabinete técnico) y del Tribunal Constitucional (2012-2018, Letrado coordinador del recurso de amparo civil). Es autor de más de un centenar de publicaciones en forma de libros y artículos científicos, en solitario o en coautoría, y en los últimos veinte años ha sido docente invitado y conferenciante en universidades e instituciones españolas, europeas y latinoamericanas. En algunos de estos países ha tenido ocasión de participar como consultor internacional en algunos procesos de reforma jurídico-procesal. También ha sido investigador invitado en diversos centros de investigación europeos.
Ha sido también coautor de diversas obras en materia del Derecho Concursal, entre las que destacan su participación en los Comentarios a la Legislación Concursal (Ley 22/2003 y 8/2003 para la reforma concursal) bajo la coordinación de los Prof. Juana Pulgar Ezquerra, Alberto Alonso Ureba, Carmen Alonso Ledesma y Guillermo Alcover Garau, y en el Comentario a la Ley Concursal (Ley 22/2003), 2016, y en el Comentario a la Ley Concursal. Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal, 2020. 2ª ed., así como en las tres ediciones del Manual de Derecho Concursal dirigido por la Profª Juana Pulgar Ezquerra, todas ellas editadas en Wolters Kluwer. Es autor de diferentes artículos sobre el proceso concursal, publicados en revistas especializadas.
Ha formado parte de la Sección de Derecho Procesal de la Comisión de Codificación del Ministerio de Justicia, y es Miembro del Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal, de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Procesal, Académico Correspondiente de la Real Academia Española de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, entre otras instituciones y sociedades profesionales y científicas. Ha sido director del Título de Experto en Retórica y Argumentación Jurídica, de la Universidad Complutense, y ha sido socio fundador de la Sociedad Española de Retórica, de cuya junta directiva es actualmente integrante.
Amagoia Serrano Barrientos Magistrada Juzgado Mercantil 1 de Madrid. Magistrate of Commercial Court no. 1 of Madrid Desde julio de 2018 ha sido Magistrada del Juzgado de lo Mercantil número once de Barcelona. Recientemente he concursado al Juzgado de lo Mercantil número uno de Madrid al que se ha incorporado el 24 de mayo de 2021.It enables the person who is trained to act as a bankruptcy administrator and as an adviser in bankruptcy matters in Spain.
General objectives