The Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management offers the most innovative training to create and direct companies, promoting its students' ability to launch projects. The program has a pioneering mentoring initiative with SECOT, in which students are assigned a prestigious professional mentor who will guide them throughout their academic period.
Nebrija University, in its commitment to promote its students' international profile, is the only institution that offers, together with the Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management, the Bachelor's Degree in European Business, which can be taken in Germany.
This degree stands out by preparing students in the following fundamental pillars:
The studies of Business Creation, Administration and Management allow you to successfully start your journey through the exciting world of companies, either as a professional responsible for one of its functional areas or, why not, as manager of your own business project.
To achieve this, we use many elements. In the first place, the classes are participatory, dynamic and interactive, full of practical examples and applications. The case method is often used. You will also visit important companies and institutions such as the Bank of Spain, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, Thomson Reuters, Santander Financial City, Mercamadrid, among others. On the other hand, you will carry out work internships in a private sector company, in multinationals or in some of the companies of the IBEX 35.
In the Department of Economics and Business Administration we have a special appreciation for entrepreneurs. We like to help our students develop their own business project and put it into operation. The Entrepreneurs Club, the Young Entrepreneurs Award and the meetings with successful entrepreneurs are some of the programs that help us achieve this goal. Over the years, we have discussed and valued with their authors dozens of business creation projects, several of them already underway as viable businesses.
By studying the Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management with us, you will acquire the knowledge, skills and international experience necessary for your job placement and, if that is what you want, you can develop your business projects with assurance.
Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals.
They combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization.
Its Financial & Risk business unit provides solutions to the global financial community - delivering critical news, information and analytics, enabling transactions and connecting communities of trading, investing, financial and corporate professionals. They help their customers generate superior returns, improve risk and compliance management, increase access to liquidity and create efficient, reliable infrastructures in increasingly global, electronic and multi-asset class markets, through our market-leading Thomson Reuters Eikon, Thomson Reuters Elektron and Thomson Reuters Accelus.
For further information:
Read LessObtain the most complete professional profile with Nebrija Universitys Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management. You will be able to carry out professional internships in the best companies and institutions, such as Deloitte, Santander and Siemens, and attain the Bachelor’s in European Business by studying a year at a European university.
This year, Bizum, an instant payments platform promoted by the collaboration of thirty-four Spanish banking entities, joins the many companies that support the School of Economics and Business. This collaboration with Bizum will enrich the educational experience of the students in our Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation and Administration. They will have the opportunity to meet the professionals who have revolutionized the way economic transactions between individuals are conducted in recent years. Additionally, students can visit Bizum's facilities and undertake internships at Redsys, Bizum's parent company, with whom Nebrija University has had a longstanding collaboration.
Three of our former students have been awarded in the 2023 Entrepreneurship Awards, in the Innovation category, awarded by the Community of Madrid.
Congratulations to Fernando, Diego and Miguel!
Here's to the success and growth of the Screensor project!
BOE Num. 186, of August 2, 2010
Our curriculum has been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, as if verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation.
The student must take 240 credits
The student must take 12 ECTS in the sixth semester, and may choose from the following subjects, all of them 6 ECTS:
This program's objective is to favor the practical education of the students, under the continuous supervision of the Department of Professional Careers of the University, the academic department corresponding to the degree and the company or collaborating institution where the internships is carried out. We provide advice on the choice of internship and follow-up and tutoring, always taking into account the professional orientation of each student.
Nebrija University carries out important work to favor the practical training of all its students and the approach to the first employment of the university graduates. All the Business Creation, Administration and Management programs require the completion of at least one internship in companies as an integral part of their curriculum. These internships are chosen according to the professional orientation of each student, which ensures an invaluable real experience, while improving their future professional expectations.
More information on Internship in Companies List of companies and institutions where the students of the degree have had internships under the agreement of educational cooperation.This project involves the student carrying out research tasks and in different subjects with the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.
It corresponds to level C1.
More information hereProfesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
56 | 68% |
Official Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management
Those interested in studying and obtaining the degree in C-ADE from Antonio de Nebrija University are usually, in their majority, students who have recently finished the baccalaureate or high school studies. However, there are also many cases of those who come from the 2nd Degree Vocational Training or who are graduates in Business Studies or another degree similar to the Degree in Business Creation, Administration and Management.
Therefore, in addition to the students with a baccalaureate degree, it also includes as an entry profile the graduates of 2nd Degree Vocational Training of the Administrative and Commercial branch, equated to the Higher Technicians by Royal Decree 778/1998 of April 30. In particular, but not exclusively, Commercial Specialists are included in this profile, equated to the graduates of 2nd Degree Vocational Training of the Administrative and Commercial branch, by Royal Decree 265/1979 of January 26, in its 1st Additional Provision and also the Specialist Technicians, of the administrative and commercial branch, whose degree, according to Organic Law 2/2006 of May 3, of Education, in its 31st Additional Provision, has the same academic and professional effects as the degree of Higher Technician in the respective specialty.
In general, the student must:
Future graduates will be able to identify themselves with the professional profiles of Business Administration or Management, Business and Economic Consulting, Foreign Trade, International Organizations, Study and Planning Services, Taxation, and Teaching and Research.
240 ECTS credits.
Basic education Credits (BS): 60
Compulsory Credits (C): 156
Elective Credits (EL): 12
External internship Credits: 6
Final Research Project Credits: 6
Minimum number of ECTS by type of enrollment and course
Full-time students: Minimum number of ECTS: 45 - Maximum number of ECTS: 90
Part-time students: Minimum number of ECTS: 12 - Maximum number of ECTS: 45
Center responsible:School of Economics and Business
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Available places: Total Openings: 180
- In the first year of implementation:
- Classroom attendance: 90
- Online: 90
- In the rest of the years:
- Classroom attendance: 135
- Online: 45
Type of Education:
Academic year in which it was implemented: ADE: 2009/2010
Last modified: January 2022
Languages: Spanish / English
University Services: [+info]
In the Bachelor's Degree in C-ADE - Business Creation, Administration and Management, the methodology used involves a student-based teaching/learning process, which encourages active participation and favors the development of general and specific competencies that demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes applicable in a future professional career.
The distance learning methodology of Nebrija University focuses its efforts on the interaction with students. This commitment is concreted in the encouragement of cooperative learning, the simulation of real situations and the resolution of problems and the case method. All this with the support of the latest-generation technological tools, which serve as a support:
The educational actions are carried out in Lectures divided in content blocks and the use of videoconferences; these are complemented by learning activities, outside the lecture session through forums and chats, which encourage self-learning and critical reflection; and Tutorials where the professors are in charge of guiding and assisting the students in a personalized way, one of the hallmarks of Nebrija University.
All these techniques assume that the student takes on an active role in his/her academic training. In addition, the work of the teacher acquires a guiding dimension of support and orientation, which must be consistent with a transparent and formative evaluation system that faithfully reflects the knowledge and skills acquired.
The educational activities of this Bachelor's Degree in its distance learning option contain the following elements:
The students have online work sessions, which share some aspects with the lecture classes and in others they are differentiated by their own nature.
The subjects in which the studying has more weight in the virtual campus have a developed EDUCATIONAL ITINERARY, in which the units of the program are outlined. The structure of the Itinerary is hypertextual, as it has content Blocks, which are divided into Units. In each of these units a complete lesson is described; it refers to other related lessons which say, explain or present through hyperlinks; complementary information is added on concepts, definitions, bibliography, sales and connections with the Documentation Center of the subject. The teacher can also teach a master class using the VIDEOCONFERENCE system.
The biggest difference between the master classes and doing the content units on the platform, other than class attendance, is the chronological sequence, since the student can connect to the platform for as long as he/she wishes, at the time he/she wishes; they can interrupt their work when they want, they can interact with the platform itself, using all forms of hypertextuality and connections to Internet sources through the documentation center. They can also interact with their classmates and with teachers through the FORUMS, to ask questions or comment on some content; or in a more conventional type of learning, they can print all the material of the unit and read it wherever they want.
The virtual Campus of each subject also allows the professor to explain all kinds of documents, labeled, in the DOCUMENTS folder, with contents of the subject, in PDF, Power Point, videos and audios formats, which set forth the contents of the subject that is being taught, they provide examples and provide more information.
The academic Forum of each subject allows to build theoretical and practical knowledge through the interaction of students with different groupings. There is the General Forum, in which all the students and the teacher participate, and the Group Forum, in which the students work in small groups, always organized by the teacher and supervised by the latter, in which the members of the group -and only them- can share documents of all types.
The practical cases in the online mode will be carried out using the Virtual Campus. The professor will post the case and/or exercises that the students must complete in the DOCUMENTS folder, and these will be delivered through the task mailbox for correction by the teacher. There is a specific Forum for the discussion of the relevant issues of the case by all the students and the professor, and Debates will be held through the forum.
The professors are responsible for guiding and assisting students in organizational and didactic difficulties, paying special attention to personalized advice on the skills and competencies they must carry out to complete the academic work outside of classroom lectures. They try to create a space designed to listen and advise students about topics that are of concern, a quiet environment, free of interruptions that encourages dialogue.
The professor, as in the previous case, will post the required reading texts in the Documents folder, and the students will have to analyze them according to the same methodology as in the work described below.
The personalized nature of teaching at Nebrija University is based on the deep belief that teaching is not reduced to mere instruction. In this sense, the professor is not only a transmitter of knowledge but an educator who guides and assists students in their needs, needs that are not limited to the acquisition of concepts but also to the development of procedures and attitudes. The tutorials are provided by the professors of the subjects.
The professors are responsible for guiding and assisting students in organizational and didactic difficulties, paying special attention to personalized advice on the skills and competencies they must carry out to complete the academic work outside of classroom lectures. They try to create a space designed to listen and advise students about topics that are of concern, a quiet environment, free of interruptions that encourages dialogue.
In its distance learning modality, in the Virtual Campus there will be a tutorial site, through which students can raise their questions to the professor of the subject, who will respond through the same channel.
In the same way, five mechanisms of assistance to the student in tutorials are implemented.
The discussion of the specific aspects of these projects is carried out in the "Forums" section, in which the students debate about these cases, as well as related topics that the professor thinks appropriate to raise.
The exposition, by the individual or in groups, is presented by the students through the Task Mailbox and/or through videoconference. Each subject has its own space in the Virtual Campus, which allows to share documentation and images, and hold debates by real-time videoconference.
At the same time, in the PROJECTS tool, the professor and the students can share the work that everyone carries out, once they have been commented and evaluated by the professor, so cooperative learning is made accessible: everything that each student does can be available to the entire class, if the professor deems it convenient.
This educational activity is exactly the same as in the classroom attendance modality, and consists of the student having to carry out by himself/herself (or in a group) the reading of articles, notes, as well as the cases and individual projects (or in groups) that are required. These projects are reflected in the evaluation system regarding ECTS credits.
Seminars, specialized conferences and congresses on topics related to the areas of knowledge.
The students will carry out internships of a duration equivalent to 18 ECTS from the 6th semester in companies with which the university has agreements. The students will perform the tasks that are assigned by the tutor responsible for their follow-up in the institution in which the internships are carried out. These education activities will be supervised by the tutor of the University, who will be responsible, in coordination with the tutor of the center and the student in question, to evaluate their process of professional and personal evolution in the internship center. The practical activities will always be performed in person, in the institution in which they are carried out. However, all will be followed by periodic tutorials, with the person in charge of the follow-up, at the university, or virtual, through communication by e-mail, video conference or Skype.
Development of an academic project of 18 ECTS credits on any of the topics proposed by the Department. Due to the entrepreneurial approach of the degree in C-ADE, the Final Research Project requires the elaboration of a Business Plan. However, the student may also opt for a EDP aimed at research in entrepreneurship, internationalization and/or family business, which are research lines of the department.
The grading system of the distance learning modality does not change significantly with respect to the classroom modality, in the sense that the same educational activities are evaluated, although in its remote option.
In this way, the evaluation procedures for the distance learning modality are:
The exams or final exercises of each subject will always be performed in person.
In the final grade of the subject, the grade of said final exam is weighted with the rest of the assessment elements, with variable percentages of weighting of the different concepts, depending on the specific contents of the subject. The specific percentages of weighting in each subject appear in the documentation delivered to the student at the beginning of the course.
All grades will be accessible through the Internet, in the student's private section.
Grading examples:
Subject: Applied statistics
Grading system:
The admission process consists of several phases:
In order to apply for admission to the University, students must submit the admission application form to the Promotion and Admissions Department with the following documentation.
All the candidates to the degree, in any of its teaching modalities, will take the Admission exams through the BlackBoard (BB) platform so that the candidate can receive the answer to their application quickly.
Admission exams are configured as an effective complement to know the initial situation of the student and to adapt their work rhythm to this situation, as well as to detect their specific education needs. The duration of the exams is approximately two and a half hours, and are carried out according to the profile of the candidate, and consists of two tests, in addition to the evaluation of the academic record and the report of the personal interview.
If the number of students is over the maximum number of places available, student admission will be decided according to the following deliberation:
In order to carry out the deliberation, each of the previous criteria will be evaluated from 1 to 10 before making the weighted sum.
All the tests will be automatically corrected by BlackBoard and the results will be sent to the Promotion and Admissions Department, in addition to the personal interview report that is completed once the interview is finished, and it is sent to the Promotion and Admissions Department.
Once the profile of each candidate has been assessed and studied and the Admission exams have been passed, the candidate is informed of his/her admission, in such a way that the student can begin to formalize his/her Enrollment.
Management positions in large national and international companies, such as Airbus, Repsol or BBVA , are the natural outlet for many of our graduates. Finance, marketing, management control or human resources are some of the functions to be carried out at the end of the studies.
The world of international organizations is another field that greatly interests our students. These institutions, both European and international, increasingly require a type of professional open to the world and with an international mindset.
Another professional opportunity in high demand is the higher bodies of the Spanish State Administration, in addition to continuing studies to start a teaching or research career.
Nebrija University always encourages entrepreneurship in all of its study plans, so creating a company is another natural outlet for graduates.
The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.
The Bologna Declaration formalized the principles on which the European Higher Education Area should be based: quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness and employment growth.
From this, Nebrija stands as an academic model of reference, educating students with excellent individual behavior, interaction with their environment and motivated by and for constant and continuous training. The Nebrija Institute of Professional Skills works every day to achieve the differentiation of our students through the development of attitudes and skills.
The main objective is for students to achieve the best of themselves through the development and empowerment of their personal skills and resources through personal self-knowledge.
In addition, some of the professional skills that are worked on within the three seminars are those related to interpersonal skills and active communication skills and negotiation, indispensable for our students to know how to transmit ideas, to argue them, to provide information and opinions in an adequate, clear and convincing way.
Within what will be their work performance, other aspects such as teamwork, conflict resolution and project management ability will be worked on.
In the third block, skills worked on are those aimed at increasing the student's employability. They will work with tools and techniques for job searching, and perform tasks that achieve in the student a greater use of their personal skills.
For all this we have currently active experts in selection of people, professionals dedicated to personal and professional training and professionals dedicated to the world of communication and the arts.
In this way, and in a complementary way to his/her specific training, we help the student create a differentiating pattern in the social and business environment in which he/she will be immersed when he/she finishes his/her studies.
The International Mobility Office of Nebrija University makes a constant effort to monitor the agreements with the most prestigious universities.
Business Creation, Administration and Management students can study at the following foreign universities, among which stand out:
NOTE: The destination universities, offered by degree, may vary according to the International Mobility Program. For more information, students can consult the information online in the International Mobility Program.
Several universities have special academic or linguistic requirements. For more information, consult the Department of International Programs.
* ERASMUS scholarship not available for Switzerland but to date, another scholarship has been awarded by the host university. Consult The International Mobility Office for more information.
Pre-university students have the opportunity to demonstrate their capacity for entrepreneurship, creativity, organization and enthusiasm through the definition and conceptualization of a business creation project.
Event in commemoration of the Feast Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas, with the master class entitled The cultural mission of the university and the Law, by Manuel Atienza, professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Alicante.
Event in which Nebrija talent connects with companies, organized by Nebrija Alumni and the Professional Careers department.
Opening Ceremony of the academic year at the Madrid-Princesa Campus of Nebrija University.