The Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law is the only Official Master's Degree in Spain that trains students in Operational Law and its fusion with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights for the legal regulation of armed conflicts.
The regulation of armed conflicts is mandatory knowledge for legal advisors who operate in conflict spaces, since a wide range of military humanitarian law is contemplated, as well as the international law of conflicts. It is worth noting the need for knowledge of International Humanitarian Law to advise various organizations regarding international crises that occur throughout the world, and at the center of which are human beings.
The program's professors maintain a relationship of academic cooperation with various international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Security Council, the Inter-American Defense Board and various institutions linked to the areas of global, strategic, military security and defense and security forces; therefore, they are actively working in the fields they teach.
The program is taught in the "distance learning" modality, so that students have the possibility of making their work and personal activities compatible with studying in the program.
The first official program in Spain to train students in operational law, combining International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights as tools for conflict management.
Graduate profileA professional knowledgeable of theoretical, legal, political and cultural practices and elements related to international human rights law.
The graduate must be able to get along -in terms of Human Rights- in different social practices: from teaching to the practice of politics and the judiciary, going through those related to the planning, formulation and execution of public policies, consultancy firms and practicing the profession.
The Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law promotes social sensitivity in all its graduates, citizen culture and the awareness that the best legitimacy of any democracy lies in the guarantee and protection of Human Rights and International Law.
Official Degree:Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law
Center responsible:School of Law and International Relations
Total Credits:60 credits.
Minimum of 12 ECTS credits and maximum of 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic period.
Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences
Openings available: 30 in the classroom attendance mode
30 in the blended mode
75 in online mode
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2017-2018
Duration: 1 academic year
Type of Education: Classroom Attendance / Blended / Online
Academic Regulations: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project
University Services: [+info]
BOE No. 168, of July 12, 2018
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 60 credits
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
52 | 80,76% |
Royal Decree 1027/2011, of July 15, establishes the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education, known as MECES, and the description of its levels, whose purpose is to allow the classification, comparability and transparency of the qualifications of higher education in the Spanish educational system, which serves as a reference to facilitate mobility of people in the European space of higher education and in the international labor market. Thus, the third level corresponds to Master's degrees that are characterized as "advanced, specialized or multidisciplinary education, oriented to academic or professional specialization, or to promote initiation in research tasks", and whose characteristics are defined in the following descriptors:
Likewise, students must have acquired the following specific Skills upon finishing the Master's degree:
Only applicants who meet the requirements provided for in current legislation, with an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in the legal, security or military areas, who are interested in acquiring an education in the operational legal field, will be able to access the Master's degree. They must have the ability to hold a dialogue, be open-minded, willing to share and actively participate in the development of the course, as well as the ability to complete the tasks and assignments indicated on the specific dates.
All applicants who meet the requirements provided for in current legislation, with an associate's degree or bachelor's degree, who are interested in acquiring specialized training in operational law, will be able to access the Master's Degree in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Operational Law. and they must also comply with the requirements of the Admission Test and with the basic Skills that are assessed in it (described below).
As established in Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, students who meet any of the following conditions may access these studies:
The selection methodology is included to prioritize applications for admission. The following selection criteria will be applied with the indicated score:
In the event of a tie, preference will be given to those students who have the highest score in professional experience in the international legal, humanitarian and human rights fields, or operational law, according to the criteria established for professional experience in the previous table (Table 4.1). In case of another tie, preference will be given to the student with the best weighted average grade in the academic record of the previous degree that grants access to the Master's studies.
Admission criteria
How to submit documentation necessary for admission.
In general, the admission documentation will be submitted to the Admissions Department.
The student must provide the originals or certified copies of the documentation presented, within a period established by the University, in order to formalize his/her enrollment. Any inaccuracy, falsity or omission of information, statement or document provided by the student in the admission period will determine the impossibility of continuing to exercise the right from the moment the University has proof of such facts, proceeding to the cancellation of the application for admission submitted and the place awarded, notwithstanding the criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may arise.
In order to access the official master's degrees, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
In the event that the studies granting access to the pre-registration of the Master's degree are completed in a Foreign Higher Education institution, both the diploma and the academic record (grades) must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country of origin. In addition, they will have to fulfill the requirements that are indicated in detail in the "Access and admission procedure for Master_PO12" of the Teaching Organization Plan implemented by the University.
Admission process
In addition to the evaluation of the academic merits provided by the candidate, students must take the following tests, which are part of the admission process.
1.- Foreign language level test
Not applicable.
2.- Personal interview
This interview, which is carried out by the faculty or university advisors, is aimed at verifying the suitability of the candidate and his/her profile in relation to the degree. It is a matter of determining if the candidate has sufficient motivation, training and knowledge, abilities, aptitudes, communication skills, extracurricular activities and future interests necessary to be admitted as a student in the postgraduate degrees of Nebrija University.
Enrollment process
Once the student has been admitted, he/she will proceed to enrollment, following these phases:
Annual registration fees:
Candidates must reserve their place. This economic pre-enrollment guarantees the candidate's place at the University. These annual registration fees will not be returned except for students who are conditionally admitted, or do not fulfill the legal access requirements, or have a justifiable medical situation.
Pre-enrolled candidates who wish to formalize their academic enrollment at the University must follow these steps within the established deadlines:
1.- Submit documentation: prove that he/she meets the requirements established by Spanish university legislation for admission to the Master's degree.
2.- Formalize the enrollment process online: The self-enrollment service on the Nebrija website allows admitted students to complete all academic, financial and administrative procedures within the established deadlines. To do this, they will receive, along with their letter of admission, the access code and personal password necessary to carry out their self-enrollment. Once self-enrollment is formalized, the candidate acquires the status of student at Nebrija University.
3.- Pay the enrollment fee for the academic year, according to the modality chosen by the student.
Deadlines for enrollment
1.- Enrollment will be done annually, the opening date will vary depending on the beginning of the Program. However, enrollment must be done at least one week before the start of the academic period.
2.- An extraordinary period will be opened on an exceptional basis for students who want to start their studies in the second semester, enrollment must be carried out before the completion of the second semester's partial exams.
The university has a list of agreements with the most relevant institutions in the sector, which allow Master's degree students to use the knowledge acquired during their learning, as well as develop and discover their future activity.
Within the list of agreements maintained by the university, we highlight the following:
List of collaborating companiesThe conference "The law in the time of Nebrija" was organized by the Antonio de Nebrija Foundation together with the Faculty of Law and International Relations. Pérez-Bustamante's master class is part of the acts commemorating the V Centenary of Antonio de Nebrija.
Contest in which its protagonists, pre-university students, have the opportunity to demonstrate their entrepreneurial capacity, creativity, organization and enthusiasm, through the definition and conceptualization of a business creation project.
Opening ceremony of the academic year on the Madrid-Princess campus of Nebrija University.
Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony of Nebrija University at the Life Sciences Campus in La Berzosa.
NebrijaMUN is a first class learning school. Students develop public speaking and debate skills, study foreign policy, as well as United Nations protocol and operating procedures.
Nebrija Versus is the first pre-university debate league to be held in the Community of Madrid, constituting a commitment from Nebrija University, which was born with the aim of projecting to society the image of a new generation of young people capable of shining through their talent, research capacity and communication skills.