The Bachelor's Degree in Psychology has 18 ECTS credits of professional internships, placing the Nebrija University at the head of the educational institutions with the greatest offer of practical training. This is a commitment to the employability of its students from the very first year, thanks to practical and real training from general health psychologists, and the carrying out of extra-academic activities such as talks, weeklies or meetings with professionals in the sector
All students leave with the Specialization in Health Psychology, with training related to mental health and psychological intervention, which is basic content to access the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, but they can also take four specializations:
The theoretical, practical and ethical aspects related to the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders and problems are studied. It delves into issues related to psychologists' specific action areas, such as sports psychology and psycho-oncology.
Psychological processes related to learning, teaching and education in general are addressed here. It focuses on understanding how individuals acquire knowledge, develop skills, and relate to the educational environment. Among the tasks of the educational psychologist, we can find analyzing the development of cognitive and emotional processes, the evaluation and diagnosis of difficulties, developmental disorders, as well as aptitudes, academic performance and socio-emotional skills. Additionally, an educational psychologist participates in the school by designing educational programs and providing educational guidance and counseling.
It focuses on providing students with a deep understanding of the psychological processes that occur in social contexts, that is, it studies the way in which individuals think, feel and behave in these types of contexts. Contents related to social influence processes, attitudes, identity and group processes, prejudices and discrimination are addressed from the main theories, such as attribution theory, social learning and social identity, among others.
It focuses on the application of psychological principles and knowledge to the work environment, human resources management and the analysis of organizational dynamics. Some of the topics addressed in this specialization are organizational psychology, personnel selection and evaluation, talent management, professional development, motivation, satisfaction and work well-being.
The curriculum, in addition to developing the four academic specializations that cover most of the work fields in psychology, guarantees that the student takes the 90 ECTS credits necessary in the first three years to be able to complete the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, which in Spain regulates the health profession in psychology. This is important because it allows the student to take one of the four specializations offered, and have a second specialization.
The specializations are a great opportunity for students because it allows them to explore other areas of action of the psychology professional in society. Delving into different areas of knowledge makes their academic and professional CV stand out from others.
The Bachelor's Degree in Psychology offers specialized training thanks to the teaching staff made up of health professionals who are immersed in clinical practice, research and the latest scientific advances, which allows them to transfer all that knowledge to the classroom. We prepare future health professionals with theory, competences, internships and meetings with professionals, which will allow them to quickly enter the labor market.
All of our degrees and curriculum have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
he student must take 240 credits
This project involves the development of research tasks regarding different subjects by the student under the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.
It corresponds to level C1.
More information hereProfesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
57 | 70,83% |
Official Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
Those interested in studying and earning a Degree in Psychology from Nebrija University should be interested in issues related to well-being and quality of life, ethical and social commitment and have a scientific inclination, as well as an inclination towards cultural knowledge in general, an adequate capacity for oral and written expression, as well as a concern to know and investigate various subjects and acquire competences related to their comprehension, interpretation and professional projection, such as: ability to work in a team, readiness for management, communicative and interpersonal skills, critical sense, autonomy, curiosity, public speaking skills, stress tolerance, initiative, creativity, among other skills.
The graduate in this Psychology degree can work in his own practice, or in any institution or company that require psychologists among its collaborators.
240 ECTS credits.
Minimum 12 ECTS and maximum 90 ECTS per registration and academic period
Center responsible:School of Life and Nature Sciences
Branch of knowledge:Health Sciences
Available places: 135 classromm attendance
Type of Education: Classroom attendance
Academic year in which it was implemented:2017 – 2018
Languages: Spanish
University Services: [+info]
The admission profile for the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology is defined as follows:
Those interested in studying and obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Antonio de Nebrija University must have an interest in issues related to well-being and quality of life, ethical and social commitment and a scientific inclination, as well as an inclination towards cultural knowledge in general, an adequate ability for oral and written expression, as well as a concern to know and research various subjects and acquire competences related to their understanding, interpretation and professional projection, such as: ability to work in a team, willingness to manage, communication skills, interpersonal skills, critical sense, autonomy, curiosity, public speaking skills, stress tolerance, initiative, creativity, among other skills.
The admission routes to take Bachelor's Degree studies are those indicated in Art. 3 of Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree courses. In addition, at the Antonio de Nebrija University it is necessary to pass the specific Admission Tests for each degree, the content and specific procedure of which will be explained in section 4.2.2. “Admission criteria”.
In addition, the Antonio de Nebrija University will make public on its website the places available for the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and will distribute the number of places awarded for each study modality as it deems best.
The admission routes to the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology are described below.
In the case of students with special educational needs derived from disability, the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies will be assessed.
At the Antonio de Nebrija University, the admission procedures established by university legislation will be carried out with particular reference to the guiding principles of accessing Spanish universities: equality, merit, ability, universal accessibility and adjustment to the criteria of the European Higher Education Area.
Methods and deadlines for submitting admission applications.
In order to apply for admission to any official university Bachelor's degree, it will be necessary to complete the corresponding admission application through the University website, or request it at any of the university campuses within the deadlines established by the Department of University Development.
Documentation necessary for admission to Bachelor's degree studies.
a) Students with University Entrance Exams (from Baccalaureate and university entrance exams for people over 25yo):
Those who have attended the University Entrance Exams must bring:
b) Students who have a degree, diploma or studies equivalent to the Baccalaureate degree in educational systems from Member States of the European Union, or from other States with which applicable international agreements have been signed, on a reciprocal basis. Graduates of European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
c) Students from Advanced Vocational Training, Second Degree Vocational Training:
These students must provide the following:
d) University Graduates:
In the case of students with validated foreign degrees, they must provide the following documentation:
e) Students from previous educational arrangements who have not attended the general phase of University Entrance Exams, regulated in Royal Decree 1892/2008, of November 14:
f) Students with partial recognition of foreign studies:
These students must submit the following documentation, officially translated and legalized, if applicable:
i) Students requesting admission due to change of university and/or studies.
Students from other universities must submit the following documentation:
j) Access to the University for people over 45 yo.
k) Access to the University for people over 40 yo.
Positive report after the evaluation by the Antonio de Nebrija University of all the requirements established in Article 16 RD 412/2014.
Only those candidacies that have submitted the required documentation within the deadlines established by the Admissions Department will be processed. In addition, the student will be asked for all the additional information that was deemed appropriate in order to know the candidate's suitability for the Bachelor's Degree.
For the purposes of pre-admission and admission, the evaluation of the candidate will be made using 0 to 10 points, taking into account the following criteria and percentages:
Academic record of the student's route of origin: 60%
Multiple-choice psychotechnical test: 10%
This test consists of an assessment of competences/skills related to: abilities in intellectual work, attitudes towards cooperation and teamwork, time and resource management. We will try to determine if the candidate has sufficient motivation, training and knowledge, skills, aptitudes, communication skills, extracurricular activities and future interests necessary to be admitted as a student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Antonio de Nebrija University.
English level test: 10%
In addition to the competences established in the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, we have included another related to the adequate knowledge of the English language, both oral and written. To this end, the Vice Rector's Office for Academic Planning has established a series of strategies of a diverse nature to facilitate the acquisition of said competence by students, among which are the use of materials in English and the programming of subjects in English.
In order to know the students' real level of knowledge of the English language, the Institute of Modern Languages will design a language placement test. Based on the results of this test, students will simultaneously take the chosen Bachelor's Degree, and depending on each student's level, the “Diploma in English Professional Skills”.
The English level tests consist of a written exam with multiple-choice questions, oral and written comprehension and use of the language, with a duration of 60 minutes. They are taken in person or online, and are held in computer rooms on each campus, with professors from the Institute of Modern Languages. Depending on the results of this test, the student will be placed at the corresponding level. The minimum level one can access at the beginning is B1.
It will not be necessary for the candidate to take the language placement test if they provide a document proving their English level. The level accreditation will be validated through the official degrees issued by the relevant organizations, and will also be reviewed by the Institute of Modern Languages.
Specific test of knowledge about the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. It contains multiple-choice questions and consists mainly of specific contents of some of the main areas of general knowledge that will be studied in the degree chosen by the candidate, in addition to other elements common to all degrees. This test will weigh 20% of the total.
Personal interview: As a strategy to know the characteristics of the applicants, the psychopedagogical guidance department, as a diagnosis, will apply a personality test to all candidates that explores the emotional, intellectual, social and norms and values areas of each candidate for the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Antonio de Nebrija University.
In the event that an applicant presents any clinical indicator, an in-depth interview will be carried out with the psychologists of the Department of Psychopedagogical Guidance, and if necessary, they will be sent for clinical evaluation by the specialized teachers in Psychiatry or/and Clinical Psychology.
All tests and student records will be evaluated and assessed by the Bachelor's Degree Admissions Committee, taking into account the criteria reflected in the "PGA_11 Procedure for the Operation of the Bachelor's Degree Admissions Committee", which are part of the Internal Regulations that govern the access of candidates to the University.
The Admissions Committee will meet when necessary and will communicate the result of the admission to the candidate through email, telephone and letter so that they can proceed with their enrollment.
According to the Art. 13 RD 1393/2007 of October 29, later modified by RD 861/2010 and by RD 195/2016, students enrolled at the Antonio de Nebrija University may request recognition or transfer of credits taken at this or another University.
Recognition is understood as the acceptance by the Antonio de Nebrija University of the credits that, having been obtained in official studies, at this or another University, are computed into different studies for the purpose of obtaining an official degree.
Likewise, the transfer of credits implies the inclusion in the official academic documents accrediting the studies taken by each student, of the credits obtained in official studies completed previously, at this or another University, which have not led to obtaining an official degree.
Credits may be recognized in the new studies in the following cases:
1. Provided that the degree to which access is sought belongs to the same branch of knowledge, a number of credits that are at least 15 percent of the total credits of the degree, corresponding to basic education subjects of said branch, will be subject to recognition.
2. The credits taken in university education leading to the obtaining of other degrees, referred to in Article 34.1 of Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, on Universities, modified by Organic Law 4/2007 of April 12.
Nebrija University will take special care in the process of credit recognition for professional experience, which will be applied with restrictive criteria and a clear correlation between experience and recognized competences, for a correct and orderly development of the new legal setting, and within the framework of the instructions issued by the Evaluating Agency both in the verification processes and with a view to the accreditation processes of the degrees.
In accordance with Article 12.6 of R.D. 1393/2007 of October 29, students may obtain academic recognition in credits for participation in university activities related to cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation, up to a maximum of 6 credits of the total curriculum. The Antonio de Nebrija University has implemented this right in its regulatory regime through the "PGA_2 Procedure for teaching the subject of Developing a Spirit of Participation and Solidarity".
There will not be any recognition of studies carried out in institutions that do not have the officially accredited character of University or Higher Education Center, or that, carried out in Centers of this nature, do not have the character of higher studies, such as vocational training or university extension education. Credits corresponding to final research projects for bachelor's and master's degrees will not be recognized either.
The recognition of credits must be requested by the student at the time of formalizing their enrollment. The student must also pay the fees established for this purpose, and submit the following documentation to the Registrar's Office:
The Academic Committee of each department will study in detail the documentation provided by the student, and will issue the appropriate resolution accepting or denying the recognition and/or transfer.
All the credits obtained by the student in official studies taken at any University, those transferred, those recognized and those passed to obtain the corresponding degree, will be included in their academic record and reflected in the European Diploma Supplement, if requested.
The University regulates and implements the recognition of credits in student records, based on the current legal regulations and the internal regulations that are reflected in the "PGA_1 Procedure for the recognition and transfer of credits", approved by the Vice Rector's Office for Academic Planning and Faculty, and that is available in Red Nebrija and in the Student Portal.
The Degree in Psychology at Nebrija University stands out for the vocation and professionalism of its teachers, with an innovative program and a decided practical approach.
The Faculty of Life and Nature Sciences has collaboration agreements with some of the best companies and institutions in the sector for professional practices. Accenture, Pwc, Banco Santander or Thomson Reuters are some of the destinations of this program.
Some of the professions for graduates are:
The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.
The Bologna Declaration formalized the principles on which the European Higher Education Area should be based: quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness and employment growth.
From this, Nebrija stands as an academic model of reference, educating students with excellent individual behavior, interaction with their environment and motivated by and for constant and continuous training. The Nebrija Institute of Professional Skills works every day to achieve the differentiation of our students through the development of attitudes and skills.
The main objective is for students to achieve the best of themselves through the development and empowerment of their personal skills and resources through personal self-knowledge.
In addition, some of the professional skills that are worked on within the three seminars are those related to interpersonal skills and active communication skills and negotiation, indispensable for our students to know how to transmit ideas, to argue them, to provide information and opinions in an adequate, clear and convincing way.
Within what will be their work performance, other aspects such as teamwork, conflict resolution and project management ability will be worked on.
In the third block, skills worked on are those aimed at increasing the student's employability. They will work with tools and techniques for job searching, and perform tasks that achieve in the student a greater use of their personal skills.
For all this we have currently active experts in selection of people, professionals dedicated to personal and professional training and professionals dedicated to the world of communication and the arts.
In this way, and in a complementary way to his/her specific training, we help the student create a differentiating pattern in the social and business environment in which he/she will be immersed when he/she finishes his/her studies.
After studying the curriculum map of Nebrija University's Bachelor's degrees, the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT) recognizes this Bachelor's degree through document number SENESCYT-SGES-SFA-2019-0722-O
The Department of International Programs of Nebrija University carries out a constant effort to follow up on the agreements with the most prestigious universities:
Students will be able to study for one year or one semester at universities around the world. This option will broaden their vision of the world in addition to their linguistic training and will prepare them to rigorously carry out their professional work in any corner of the world. Some of the Universities with which we have established agreements are:
NOTA: LThe destination universities, offered by degree, may vary according to the International Mobility Program. For more information, students can consult the information online in the International Mobility Program.
Several universities have special academic or language requirements. For more information, consult the Department of International Programs.
The Nebrija Research Center in Cognition (CINC) had a prominent presence at the 14th Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), held in Almería from October 23 to 25. During the event, CINC presented a wide variety of works in the form of posters and talks, showcasing the latest advances and findings in the field of experimental psychology.
Titled "Love is in the Air: Exploring the Psychological Perspective," psychologist José Antonio Hinojosa, a member of the Multidisciplinary Research Institute of UCM, engaged in an insightful discussion with our students. The session delved into the Psychology of Love, unraveling its perceptions and intricacies.
See articleThe simulated or standardized patient is the backbone of an educational methodology of great academic value and an essential tool for the acquisition of basic skills and competences for the psychology professional. In the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at Nebrija University we consider the use of clinical simulation that brings students closer to real environments and allows clinical immersion in a controlled context to be essential.
Psychology students had the opportunity to participate in the specialized meeting in clinical psychology with psychologist Marta De la Torre.
See articleEvent in which Nebrija talent connects with companies, organized by Nebrija Alumni and the Professional Careers department.
Nebrija University awarded biochemist Carlos López-Otín an honorary doctorate last Friday, November 18, in a ceremony that took place in the Graduate Hall of the Madrid-Princesa Campus.