The Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technologies for Digital Education and Learning is an official degree that lasts one academic year. We have a highly qualified teaching staff and contents that respond to the current needs of education and ICT.
The employability of our graduates exceeds 91%, in addition, the program is recognized for competitive examinations for teaching bodies.
The Master's degree has been valued as the best in Spain in the Online Education category according to the ranking prepared by the newspaper El Mundo.
We have the support of partners (Educaplay, Genially, CEDEC, Google-Devoteam, National Police Force-Master Plan, Ministry of Education-CEDE, among others), who participate in the different educational programs organized throughout the academic year. Each activity of the educational program is a space for direct dialogue between students and companies, foundations and state agencies.
With the aim of giving visibility to the best Master's final research projects, TFM Talks was created, which is a round table where alumni share their innovation and research work with current-year students.
Since December 2021, the program has had a favorable report from the Accreditation Agency of the Community of Madrid.
“Languages are a common thread between our inner self and the world", were the words used by Juan Antonio Maestro, vice rector of Research, to inaugurate the 3rd Nebrija Forum on Bilingual Teaching. The meeting was attended by various professionals who shared their experience and discussed the current situation of the sector and the new challenges that must be faced.
Student profile: All those applicants who meet the requirements imposed by current legislation will have access to the Master's Program in ICT for Digital Education and Learning, with the preferential admission profile being that of a University Degree or equivalent of the academic and disciplinary field of the Educational Sciences, such as Primary and Secondary Education, Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy. Also, given the transversal nature of the program, the student can access the Master's degree from other degrees as long as the candidate demonstrates training or experience in the field of education, such as graduates or equivalents who have completed the Master's in Teacher Training.
Graduate profile: The main objective of the Master's degree is training in the development of digital skills and ICT for digital teaching and learning. In this way, it is intended to train both teachers who are already teaching or qualified professionals in the educational field who need to improve their digital skills and want to integrate or grow in the centers of the Administration or private centers.
Official Degree:Máster Universitario en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para la Educación y Aprendizaje Digital
Center responsible:School of Language and Education
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Openings available: 550
Total Credits:60 credits.
Minimum of 12 ECTS credits and maximum of 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic period.
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2017/2018
Duration: 1 year
Type of Education: Online
Academic Regulations: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project
University Services: [+info]
BOE No. 168, of July 12, 2018
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must complete 60 credits
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
22 | 70% |
In the development of the training plan, students will be able to acquire a set of basic, general and specific skills.
Basic CompetencesIn accordance with Royal Decree 43/2015 and Royal Decree 861/2010, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education, as well as Royal Decree 1027/2011, which establishes the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES), Master's degrees education must guarantee the acquisition of the following basic competences:
The master's degree is studied remotely (online) through various educational activities, among which are the lectures by videoconference for the presentation of contents and for individual and group work through different activities.
More information: Digital pedagogy: Methodology
The Master's degree will start in October and end in July. Week zero will take place from October 16 to 20, with the objective of presenting the program and publicizing the platform's operation.
The sessions will begin on October 23 2023 and end on April 30, 2023. The hours of the online sessions will be from 18:00-19:30 y 19:30-21:00, Monday through Friday. The exams will be held on Saturday, from 9:30 to 14:00, and will take place in person.
At the end of the academic year, the student must prepare, submit and defend before a Tribunal his Master's degree Final Research Project. The defense can be done in person at the University or through videoconference.
The routes and requirements for admission to Master's level education are those established by Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, with its subsequent modification in Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, which establishes the organization of official university education.
or its part, the admission profile for the Master's Degree in ICT for Digital Education and Learning is defined as follows: All applicants who meet the requirements established by current legislation, may access the Master's Degree in ICT for Digital Education and Learning, of which the admission profile is that of a university graduate, or equivalent, in the academic and disciplinary field of Educational Sciences: Teachers in Primary or Early Childhood Education, Pedagogy, or Psychopedagogy. Likewise, given the transversal nature of the program, students who have completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training will be able to access this Master's Degree.
As established in Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, students who meet any of the following conditions may access these studies:
Specifically, all applicants who meet the requirements provided for in current legislation will be able to access the Master's Degree Program in ICTs for Digital Education and Learning, as the admission profile is that of a university graduate or equivalent from the academic and disciplinary field of Sciences of Education: Teachers of Primary or Early Childhood Education, Pedagogy, or Psychopedagogy. Likewise, given the transversal nature of the program, students who have completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training may access this Master's degree.
In general, the admission documentation will be submitted to the Admissions Department.
The student must provide the originals or certified copies of the submitted documentation, within a period established by the University, in order to formalize his/her enrollment. Any inaccuracy, falsity or omission of information, statement or document provided by the student in the admission period will entail the impossibility of continuing to exercise the right from the moment the University has proof of these events, and proceed to cancel the application for admission submitted and the place awarded, notwithstanding any criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may arise.
In order to access the official master's degrees, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
In the event that the studies granting access to the pre-registration of the Master's degree are completed in a Foreign Higher Education institution, both the diploma and the academic record (grades) must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country of origin.
In addition, they will have to meet the requirements described in detail in the "Access and admission procedure for Master_PO12" of the Teaching Organization Plan implemented by the University.
In addition to evaluating the academic merits provided by the candidate, students must hold a personal interview as part of the admission process. This interview, carried out by the Director of the Master's degree or a professor, is aimed at checking the suitability of the candidate and his/her profile related to the degree. This is done to determine if the candidate has sufficient motivation, training and knowledge, abilities, aptitudes, communication skills, extracurricular activities and future interests necessary to be admitted as a student in the Nebrija University postgraduate programs.
In the Master's Degree in ICT for Digital Education and Learning, academic merits have a weight of 50% in the admission process, the other 50% depends on the personal interview. One of the criteria with the greatest weight in the interview is having basic digital skills and competences in order to be able to take full advantage of the program, as well as an interest in innovation in educational contexts.
Una vez que el alumno ha sido admitido procederá a realizar la matriculación que consta de las siguientes fases:Once the student has been admitted, they will proceed to enroll, which consists of the following phases:
The main objective of the Master's degree is the training in the development of digital skills and ICT for digital teaching and learning. In this way, it is intended to train both teachers who are already teaching and qualified professionals in the educational field who need to improve their digital skills and want to integrate or grow in the centers of the Administration or private centers.
More Information on Internships in CompaniesArticle published by Mónica Moreno, a professor at Nebrija University, on the influence of social networks on students and their direct influence on the learning process.
See articleArticle published by Alexandra Delgado, a professor at Nebrija University, on the ecological transition, the social change it entails, and the importance of applying this process in Education.
See articleFirst chapter of the video podcast specialized in Education where the research processes and their application in neuroscience and the educational sector are analyzed.