The Master's Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts arises from the convergence of thematic areas close to Education, such as psychology and cognitive neuroscience, and from the interest in learning about teaching-learning processes through innovative approaches based on scientific knowledge, taking the study of cognitive and emotional processes as its backbone.
Students will acquire broad and advanced knowledge about cognitive, emotional and behavioral processes from the point of view of neuroscience. In addition, they will be able to complement their training by participating in actions derived from the research activity of the Nebrija Cognition Research Center – CINC, directed by Dr. Jon Andoni Duñabeitia.
Student profile:The University Program in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts by the Antonio de Nebrija University may be accessed by all those applicants who meet the requirements imposed by current legislation, with a diploma / degree or degree in Early Childhood Education Teacher, Teacher in Education Primary, Pedagogy, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Social Education, other graduates with a Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education or other postgraduate degrees in Education (attention to diversity, inclusive education, specific or equivalent educational needs).
Graduate profile:- They will be able to design research projects and carry them out, oriented to the deepening and foundation of Educational Sciences.
- They will be able to design and implement scientifically-based educational innovation programs for the improvement of teaching and learning processes, attention to individual difference and diversity in the classroom, the adequate emotional development of the student and, at the same time, the greater effectiveness of the educational task.
Degree:Master’s Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts
Learning center:School of Language and Education
Type of degree: Master’s Degree
Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences
Openings available:40
Total Credits:60 credits.
Minimum of 12 ECTS credits and maximum of 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic period.
Academic year it was introduced: 2019
Duration: 1 year. From October to June
Type of Teaching: Class attendance
Academic Regulations:: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project Recognition of master's credits
University Services: [+info]
BOE Num. 168, of 12 July 2018
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
Students must take 60 credits
The Antonio Nebrija University promotes both student and teaching staff mobility, considering it an important facet in academic and personal development, while offering students and professors the opportunity to obtain an intercultural perspective and, as a consequence, higher quality in their teaching experience.
+ InformaciónProfesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
22 | 70% |
In the development of the training plan, the students can acquire a set of basic, general and specific competences.
Basic and General CompetencesIn accordance with Royal Decree 43/2015 and Royal Decree 861/2010, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of the official university teaching, as well as the Royal Decree1027/2011, which establishes the Spanish Qualification Framework for Higher Education (MECES), the Master’s Degree teaching must guarantee the acquisition of the following basic competences:
At the end of their studies, the students must have acquired the following Specific Competences:
The teaching sessions will begin on October 2, 2023 and will end on May 14, 2024. The hours of the class attendance sessions will be from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (*on Fridays there may be seminars or exams).
At the end of the school period, the student must prepare, deliver and defend their Final Master's Project before a Court.
Academic calendar Academic Agenda 2023-2024The routes and requirements for admission to Master's level education are those established by Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, with subsequent modifications in Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, which establishes the organization of official university education.
The University Program in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts by the Antonio de Nebrija University may be accessed by all applicants who meet the requirements provided for in current legislation, with an associate's/bachelor's or undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Pedagogy, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Social Education, other higher graduates with a Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education or other postgraduate degrees in Education (attention to diversity, inclusive education, specific educational needs, or equivalent degrees).
The University has a Promotion and Admissions Department, which is responsible for providing personalized information to those who request it, facilitating the admissions stages, and monitoring the candidate. This Department has specialized people for each program, trained to attend to requests for information that may arrive by e-mail, telephone or fax that are set up for this purpose and that appear in the university's advertisement. The candidate is also given the opportunity to meet with the Academic Director/Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts and the Directorate of the Department.
Candidates will have access to all the information regarding the admission process and the requirements on the University website, where they will find extensive and precise information on the Curriculum, the academic phases, requirements, selection and enrollment process, academic fees, teaching staff and the department's lines of research.
Nebrija University has accessible information systems and reception and orientation procedures for newly admitted students in order to facilitate their integration into the corresponding university degrees and, in the case of students with specific educational needs derived from disability, the University has the appropriate support and advisory services, which will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations.
As established in Article 16 of RD 1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, students who meet any of the following conditions may access these Master's studies:
In addition to complying with the requirements provided for in current legislation, candidates must have one of the following degrees: associate's/bachelor's or undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Pedagogy, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Social Education, other higher graduates with a Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, or other postgraduate degrees in Education (attention to diversity, inclusive education, specific educational needs, or equivalent degrees).
The student must provide the originals or certified copies of the submitted documentation, within a period established by the University, in order to formalize his/her enrollment. Any inaccuracy, falsity or omission of information, statement or document provided by the student in the admission period will entail the impossibility of continuing to exercise the right from the moment the University has proof of these events, and proceed to cancel the application for admission submitted and the place awarded, notwithstanding any criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may arise.
In order to access the official master's degrees, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
Foreign Students:
In the event that the studies with which the pre-registration for the Master's degree is accessed are completed in a Foreign Higher Education institution, both the diploma and the academic record (grades) must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country of origin.
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places offered, the student's academic record will be taken as an admission criterion (grade average).
Therefore, anyone interested in accessing the studies of Master's Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts must submit, without exception, their academic record, as it will be the grade average therein that will decide their admission to the Master's degree if the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered.
Once all places are full, if there are more people interested in being admitted, they will be put on the waiting list for possible vacancies that may arise before the start of the academic year, and the same admission and selection criteria detailed for the rest of applicants in point 4 will be applied.
Además de la evaluación de los méritos académicos aportados por el candidato (20%) los estudiantes deberán realizar una entrevista personal (80%), realizada por el responsable del Director del Programa o por asesores universitarios de la Universidad, esta entrevista está orientada a comprobar la idoneidad del candidato y el perfil del mismo de acuerdo con la titulación. Se trata de determinar si el candidato/a posee la suficiente motivación, formación y conocimientos, habilidades, aptitudes, destrezas de comunicación, actividades extracurriculares e intereses de futuro necesarios para ser admitido como estudiante en los posgrados de la Universidad Nebrija.
Además, los alumnos extranjeros no hispanohablantes deberán realizar una prueba de nivel de lengua española con el fin de conocer el nivel real de conocimientos de lengua de estos estuantes. No será necesario que el candidato realice la prueba de posicionamiento de idiomas si entrega certificación que acredite el conocimiento de una lengua española en el nivel B2 del MCER. Se validará la acreditación del nivel a través de los títulos oficiales admitidos por la tabla de certificados admitidos por ACLES y/o Instituto Cervantes.
Once the student has been admitted, they will proceed to enroll, which consists of the following phases:
Place reservation
Candidates must reserve their place. This economic pre-enrollment guarantees the candidate's place at the University. These annual enrollment fees will not be returned except for students who are conditionally admitted, or do not fulfill the legal requirements for admission, or with a justifiable medical situation.
Pre-enrolled candidates who wish to formalize their academic enrollment at the University must follow these steps:
Graduates of the Master's Degree in Cognition and Emotion in Educational Contexts will be able to perform their role:
Second chapter of the video podcast specialized in Education that discusses emotions in the classroom and how they affect language learning.
Study published by Mónica Moreno and Mercedes Pedrajas, professors at the University, on the addiction of minors to Social Networks and the possible solutions available to families.
See articleStudy carried out by the Institute of Emotional Intelligence and Applied Neuroscience on the use of emotional education in Spanish classrooms and its importance.
See article