The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering has a great tradition and has maintained its recognition over the years, being the reference master's degree in engineering, both nationally and internationally.
The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering qualifies students¡, that is, it gives them access to the regulated profession of Industrial Engineer. The Master's degree will train students to manage innovation and technological development in their career from leadership positions.
It is characterized by comprehensive training in industrial technologies and confers competences in different subjects: advanced design of machines and motors, fluid machines and facilities, integrated manufacturing systems, industrial chemical processes, electrical engineering, automated process control, senior business management, financial and cost accounting, production organization and management, advanced facilities, engineering and construction, and transportation engineering.
Read +This postgraduate program has a strong technological character, preparing students for the management of high-level and complex projects. Likewise, it trains them to manage multidisciplinary teams, especially in the field of industrial companies.
The objective of the Master's degree in Industrial Engineering is to provide continuity for the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering, and grant at the end of the Master's degree the full professional attributions recognized by law in all industry specialties.
The Master's degree in Industrial Engineering is the perfect complement for Graduates in Engineering, in Industrial Technologies, or Graduates in the different industrial branches that qualify students to practice as Industrial Technical Engineer.
Read LessNebrija University celebrated the Opening Ceremony of the academic year at the Madrid-Princesa Campus.
Student profile: Graduate in Engineering in Industrial Technologies or in the different specialized industrial branches.
Graduate’s profile: Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering confers on its holders all the professional attributions of Industrial Engineers, which are included in the following decree:
Decree of September 18, 1935, published in the Official Gazette of Madrid no. 263 of September 20, 1935.
Art. 1. The degree grants its graduates full ability to design, implement and direct any class of installations and exploitations included in technical-industrial, chemical, mechanical and electrical branches and that of industrial economics (among which must be considered):
a) Steelmaking and metalworking in general. Chemical inorganic and chemical organic transformations. Food and clothing industries. Dry cleaning, tanning and ceramic arts. Fibernomic industries. Manufacturing or treatment of natural, animal and plant products. Silicon-based industries or graphic arts. Coal hydrogenation.
b) Metallic, mechanical and electrical construction industries, including those of precision. Hydraulic and civil constructions. River and maritime defense. Railroads, trams, air transport and auxiliary work, automobile and aerotechnical industries. Shipbuilding and naval construction workshops. Dry docks and dikes. Cinematographic industries. Heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and sanitation. Capturing and use of public water for supply, irrigation or industries. Industries related to the civil defense of the population.
c) Generation, transformation, transportation and use of electrical energy in all its manifestations. Remote communications and, in general, anything that is included in the field of telecommunications, including the industrial acoustic, optical and radio-electrical applications.
Art. 2. Furthermore, the graduates are especially qualified to act, conduct and direct any class of studies, work and organizations in the economic-industrial, statistical, social and labor sphere. The verification, analysis and chemical, mechanical and electrical tests on materials, elements and installations of all classes. The involvement with matters of industrial ownership. The realization of topographical tasks, stoppages, appraisals and borders. Expert opinions, reports and technical actions in judicial, official and individual matters. The construction of industrial buildings and their annexes. Auxiliary industrial applications in urban construction. Any work that is assigned at any time by the current legislation and their fee rates.
Art. 3. In addition they have full capacity to sign any class of plans or documents that refer to the subjects included in the two previous articles and for the management and implementation of their works and installations without the Government being able to ignore this competence, or hamper it in the matters that must pass through public offices for their approval.
Official Degree:Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
Center responsible:Higher Polytechnic School
Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture
Openings available:80
Total Credits:120 credits.
Minimum of 12 ECTS credits and maximum of 60 ECTS credits per enrollment and academic period.
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2014 -2015
Duration: 2 years
Type of Education: Classroom attendance
Academic Regulations: General student’s regulations. Credit transfer and recognition. Regulation of student participation. Common procedures for carrying out the Final Research Project
University Services: [+info]
BOE No. 65, of 17 March 2014
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 120 credits
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
31 | 64,52% |
To obtain this degree, the student must have acquired the following competences:
At the Antonio de Nebrija University, the admission procedures will be carried out which are established by the university legislation with particular reference to the guiding principles of access to Spanish universities: equality, merit, capacity, universal accessibility and adaptation to the criteria of the European Higher Education Area.
Admission requirementsTo access the Master’s Degree program, one must fulfill in the first place the requisites indicated in Order CIN/311/2009 in its section 4.2:
The above section will be considered, without prejudice of the provisions of Article 17.2 and the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29.
The complementary training courses that the student must take have to be taken prior to the start of the Master’s Degree and having taken them will be a prior requisite for admission.
In addition, the University requires passing its own admission tests, for both the undergraduate and the post-graduate degrees.
The academic and personal characteristics that define the preferred admission profile are those of a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering of Industrial Technologies, or a Bachelor’s Degree in the different industrial branches of specialty defined in the Order CIN/351/2009, of February 9, which establishes the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees that lead to the practice of the profession of Technical Industrial Engineer.
As indicated in Section 12.9 of the Royal Decree 861/2010, “When it deals with degrees that lead to the practice of professional activities regulated in Spain, the Government will establish the conditions to which the corresponding curricula must be adapted, which must also be adapted, where appropriate, to the applicable European regulations. These curricula must, in any case, be designed in a way that allows obtaining the competences necessary to practice that profession. For these effects, the University will justify the adaptation of the curricula to such conditions.”
To apply for admission in any official Bachelor’s Degree, it will be necessary to fill out the corresponding admission application through the website of the University, or else request it at any of the university campuses within the period established by the University Development Department.
More informationEl proceso de admisión, en los programas de Máster, se divide en varias fases, tal y como se detalla a continuación:
All the students who wish to carry out their university careers in the Antonio de Nebrija University must pass an admission process consisting of:
The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Higher Polytechnic School of Nebrija University holds collaboration agreements with some of the best companies and institutions in the sector:
Antonio Calvo Roy, director of informative relations, Roberto Álvarez Fernández, coordinator in the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in the Nebrija University, and Fernando Tomé Bermejo, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, debate on the evolution of the electric automobile.
FEM Expert and Nebrija University are combining cutting-edge engineering with other fields such as computer science, ethics, psychology and legal issues related to the essential homologation of the vehicle in this transversal project.
Session where the challenges and opportunities of mathematicians and physicists in the digital age, interdisciplinarity, innovation and technology were addressed, as well as the bachelor's degrees in Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics (and their double degree) launched by the Higher Polytechnic School of Nebrija University.
On June 16, 17 and 18 we will celebrate the Graduations of the Class of 2022, coinciding with the V Antonio de Nebrija Centenary.
Nebrija University named biochemist Carlos López-Otín a doctor honoris causa last Friday, November 18, in a ceremony that took place in the Conference Hall of the Madrid-Princesa Campus, and had Cristina Garmendia, president of the Cotec Foundation, PhD in Biological Sciences and former Minister of Science and Innovation, as the sponsor.
Nebrija University held Welcome Sessions aimed at new face-to-face bachelor's degree students for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The sessions took place on September 7, 8 and 9 and in them the students got to know the University, professors, departments, facilities and colleagues who will be part of their university life.
The students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering, and those of the SAP Diploma for production and logistics, visited the facilities of these two industrial plants in order to observe first-hand - in a production environment - the knowledge they received in class. Ver noticia
The students of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Nebrija Polytechnic School visited the facilities of the El Alto factory that the company Cementos Portland Valderrivas has in Morata de Tajuña. Ver noticia
The Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid (COIIM) has awarded its 2022 Master's Final Research Project Awards (TFM) that recognize the projects (TFM) with a high degree of technological innovation. Ver noticia
Devotion colored the atmosphere of the opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year at the Madrid-Princesa Campus of Nebrija University. It was present in the gestures and in the words of the speeches of academic personalities and in the title of the inaugural lesson – Devotion to Mathematics. From great discoveries to the discovery of theorems – given by Pilar Vélez Melón.
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