Spanish is fundamental in the training of future education professionals, taking into account the direct application it will have in the first years of children's school life. The competences in Spanish are the cornerstone of Nebrija University's curriculum, without neglecting English language training, which applies to the entire program, as you can take the Bachelor's degree in bilingual modality.
The proposal of a degree with a bilingual option, such as our Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, seeks to promote the internationalization of students. In addition, this curriculum responds to the social demand of more professors able to educate in English and train future generations in language skills according to European needs and a more globalized world.
Our students, future education professionals in the first years of children's school life, can choose between the modalities of class attendance, blended and distance education. We adapt ourselves to your needs, we want you to study and become what you want to be.
Students with a higher degree in Early Childhood Education may study the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education in four academic semesters, thus obtaining the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Nebrija University.
This Bachelor's Degree has as its main objective to train the student to exercise the regulated profession of Teacher in Early Childhood Education, and respond to the educational needs and challenges that this period, which is key in the development of the individual, poses.
Read moreThe teaching objectives are as follows:
The School of Languages and Education teaches all its degrees in the renovated facilities of the Madrid-Princesa Campus, a few steps from Puerta del Sol and close to museums, galleries, institutions and transport.
Alfonso González Garrido, Nominated for the EDUCA ABANCA Best Teacher in Spain 2024 Award
At Nebrija University, we pride ourselves on having the best. Our very own professor, Alfonso González Garrido, has been nominated for the Best Teacher in Spain 2024 at the EDUCA ABANCA Awards. Congratulations, Alfonso!
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must complete 240 credits
In accordance with article 12.6 of R.D. 1393/2007 of October 29, students will be able to obtain up to a maximum of 6 credits in academic recognition for participating in cultural, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation university activities.
School internships whose objective is to promote the practical training of students, under the continuous supervision of a University tutor, the academic department of Education and a tutor of the corresponding educational center.
The Professional Internships allow our students to experience their activity as a future professional of education in educational environments, thus combining it with the theoretical knowledge obtained in the various subjects. For this, external internships are carried out every year.
The evaluation process for each practicum employs a weighted approach to ensure a thorough assessment of acquired skills and knowledge:
The center tutor report carries the primary weight, making up 75% of the total score. This report extensively evaluates the student's performance during their professional internships. Additionally, the Final Practicum Report contributes 25%, allowing students to present a comprehensive summary of their experience and engage in reflective analysis.
Links of interest:
The University assigns internship places at the Educational Centers according to the regulations valid in each Autonomous Community.
The procedure for assigning internships is carried out in the following phases:
This project involves the development of research tasks regarding different subjects by the student under the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.
It corresponds to level C1.
More information hereProgram for: Professional graduates of Primary Education who want to obtain the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.
Modality: Class attendance, blended and online.
Schedule adapted to professionals.
English level required: A2 (monolingual mode) or B2 (bilingual mode)
Official degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.
Vocational Training comprises a very reliable basis in the education of the child educator. In this sense, people who have completed Vocational Training in the Advanced Degree in Early Childhood Education can take the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education in four academic semesters and thus obtain the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from the Antonio de Nebrija University.
Grado en Educación Infantil para Técnicos Superiores en Educación Infantil
Official degree: Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.
English level required: A2 (monolingual mode) or B2 (bilingual mode)
Spanish level for non-Spanish speakers: B2 (CEFR) in Spanish.
Illustrative curriculum according to the Community of Madrid. If the student is not from the Community of Madrid, he/she will have to take an elective (English methodologies and didactic resources cannot be recognized) and Strategies for oral and written communication in English I
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
149 | 61% |
Official Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education
Profession regulated by Order EDI/3857/2007.
Possibility of obtaining a Concentration in:
- Foreign language: (English),
- Foreign Language: (French),
- Hearing and Language,
- - Therapeutic Pedagogy, or
- Physical education
The student who chooses Early Childhood Education must have:
- Minimum: 45 ECTS credits
- Maximum: 90 ECTS credits
- Minimum: 12 ECTS credits
– Maximum: 45 ECTS credits
Center responsible:School of Language and Education
Branch of knowledge: Social sciences
Available places: - Class attendance: 100
- Online: 400
Type of Education: Classroom Attendance / Online
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2012 – 2013
Academic year it was verified by ANECA:2011 - 2012
Languages: This degree is taught in Spanish and English
Minimum level of English required upon admission:
A2 (monolingual modality) /
B2 (bilingual modality).
The English level tests consist of a written exam with multiple-choice questions, oral and written comprehension, and language use. They are taken in person and are held in computer classrooms on campus. They last 60 minutes.
Spanish level for non-Spanish speakers: B2 (CEFR) in Spanish.
University Services: [+info]
The following are identified as multidisciplinary competences of the Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education:
The block of specific competences, regulated by Order ECI/3854/2007, of December 27, can be grouped into two sections. On the one hand, the Common Specific Competences (CEC) which refer to the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and, on the other hand, Modular Specific Competences (CEM), which are either basic training, didactic-disciplinary training or belong to the practicum, as we will explain below.
In regard to the Common Specific Competences, the following are listed:
The Modular Specific Competences of the Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education listed in Order ECI/3854/2007 of December 27 are detailed below. These Modular Specific Competences are detailed below organized into modules, depending on whether they belong to the basic education, didactic-disciplinary or practical education blocks.
Specific Modular Competences of the basic education block:
Module I: Educational processes and personality development (0-6 years)
Module II: Learning difficulties and developmental disorders.
Module III: Society, family and school.
Module IV: Children, health and food
Module V: Management of the school space, materials and teaching skills.
Module VI Systematic observation and context analysis
Module VII The Nursery School
Module VIII Learning Natural Science, Social Sciences and Mathematics
Module IX Learning Languages and Literacy.
Module X: Music, Plastic and Body Expression
Specific modular competences that correspond to the Practicum block, and are applicable both to the internships that the students carry out throughout their degree, as well as to the final research project they carry out:
The suitability of the online modality of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education is justified due to the existing need to give access to the studies of this degree to all those people who, for personal or professional reasons, have difficulty accessing a university campus, either due to lack of time, physical mobility problems, because the degree is not taught in their city or nearby, etc.
Likewise, this type of online is intended to give access to the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education to people who are actively working in other related areas and wish to supplement their training with this degree, or who wish to begin these studies.
Certain social conditions, such as geographic isolation, lack of mobility, lack of time, have a negative impact on the possibility of acquiring an education. These situations can be resolved with telematic resources aimed at distance education, since the student is freed from the constraints of time and space, which makes the student's dedication more flexible by regulating it according to his/her own context.
The advantages of the online modality are many: the student's autonomy in terms of learning, self-evaluation and updating of knowledge , the usefulness of teamwork, as well as the quantity and quality of educational resources. In addition, this modality reaches students with different cognitive styles and different learning strategies.
Likewise, this modality acquires great importance due to the social and professional demand for proposals and implementation of digital learning resources for curricular planning with an open, flexible and remote methodology./p>
The student profile is that of a student who wants to prepare for the regulated profession of Early Childhood Education. With internships in different educational centers, the student acquires invaluable personal and professional experience in order to then enter into the labor market.
The access path to study the Bachelor's degree teachings are those indicated in Art. 3 of Royal Decree 412/2014, of June 6, which establishes the basic regulations for admission procedures to official university degree programs. In addition, at Nebrija University it is necessary to pass the Admission Tests that are specific to each degree, whose specific content and procedure will be described in section 4.2. Access requirements and admission criteria of point number 4.
From academic years 2014/2015 to 2016/2017, and as established in RD 412/2014, in regards to students who have passed the Baccalaureate, Nebrija University respects the provisions of Article 13 of RD 1892/2008 and its subsequent modifications on passing the university entrance exam:
“Access to Spanish universities, both public and private, to study the teachings leading to obtaining different official university degrees valid throughout the national territory, will require, in general, passing the exam referred to in article 38 of Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, which is regulated in this royal decree, without prejudice to the other cases provided for in article 3 of this royal decree”.
“Students who have degrees of Senior Technician in Vocational Training, Senior Technician in Plastic Arts and Design, or of Senior Technician in Sports, as well as students from foreign education systems and those who have the European Baccalaureate degree or International Baccalaureate Diploma, may access Nebrija University only after passing the University's own entrance tests, without it being necessary to pass the University Entrance Exam (PAU)”.
Regarding the access of non-Spanish speaking students, the same profile as that of Spanish speakers will be required and they must also prove their communicative command in oral and written Spanish language at a B2 level within the Common European Framework of Reference for teaching, learning and language assessment.
Since the 2017/2018 academic year, all students who meet the access requirements legally established in RD 412/2014 will be able to access the Bachelor's degree studies after passing the University's Entrance Tests.
Students who are in any of the following academic situations may apply for admission to the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education:
The Nebrija University will publish on its website the offer of places available for the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, distributing the number of places awarded for each modality as it considers best.
At the Nebrija University, the admission process established by university legislation will be carried out with particular reference to the guiding principles of access to Spanish universities: equality, merit, ability, universal accessibility and adjustment to the criteria of the European Space of Higher Education.
The admission process consists of several phases described below.:
All candidates who wish to apply for admission must submit the following documentation:
In addition, according to the student's access path to the Bachelor's Degree, the following documentation will be requested:
Only the applications of those students who have submitted the required documentation within the deadlines established by the Admissions Department will be processed. In addition, the student will be asked for all additional information deemed appropriate, in order to know the candidate's suitability for the Bachelor's degree.
For the purposes of pre-admission and admission, the evaluation of the candidate will be carried out taking into account the following criteria and percentages:
Additionally, candidates must pass a specific language skills test.
The English level test is a written exam with multiple-choice questions, oral and written comprehension, and use of the language. They are taken in person, and are carried out in computer rooms on each campus. They last 60 minutes, and the student must prove to have knowledge of the English language at least at an A2 level (CEFR) to take the Monolingual Program, and a B2 level (CEFR) or higher to take the Bilingual Program. In the event that the candidate's mother tongue is not Spanish, they may accredit a B2 level of Spanish, by means of any accredited certificate. In the event that the candidate's mother tongue is not English, they may accredit a B2 level of English, through any accredited certificate, to access the bilingual modality.
All the student's tests and records will be evaluated and assessed by the Bachelor's Degree Admissions Committee, who will grant or not grant the student's admission taking into account the criteria reflected in the "PGA_11 Procedure for the Operation of the Bachelor's Degree Admissions Committee”, which are part of the Internal Regulations that regulate the access of candidates to the University.
Once each candidate's profile has been assessed and studied and the admission tests passed, admission is communicated to the candidate, so that the student can begin to formalize his/her enrollment. Enrollment consists of the following phases:
The Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education from the Antonio de Nebrija University does not allow the simultaneity of teaching modalities, but one can change modality from class attendance to blended teaching, or vice versa. The specific regulations for the change of modality are listed below, Article 7 of the General Student Regulations.
Article 7. Changes in enrollment
If the student is enrolled in a certain degree, subject, elective or program and decides to change their enrollment, they must request it in writing from the General Secretary of Courses in order to receive authorization.
Students who wish to change the modality in which they study a degree, from the class attendance modality to the distance learning modality, or vice versa, must request it in writing to the Secretary of Courses, which will authorize it or not, after having received the report of the Department that will conduct a personal interview with the student who wishes to change their modality, in which the interviewer will assess whether the candidate's work and personal situation, his availability, etc. is compatible with the normal development of the teaching-learning process and activities with the expected teaching load. As a result of this joint analysis, which will entail a mutual exchange of information, students can be guided regarding their real possibilities, the recommended annual tuition charge, the mandatory presence in some activities (exams, etc.) or even if necessary to refuse his candidacy if a probable impossibility of carrying out the programmed training activities in a satisfactory manner was detected.
Under no circumstances may the capacity for each of the verified modalities be exceeded.
The objective criteria that will be used to authorize or not the change of modality will be the following:
Firstly, the availability of authorized places in the destination modality will be assessed. If the number of candidates is greater than the number of places available, the following preference criteria will be applied to authorize the change of modality:
The above criteria will be applied for the change of modality in both directions.
The authorization will take effect only from the academic year following the one in which the change is requested. In the meantime, the student will have, for all purposes, the student status of the program in which he is enrolled.
The change of option, program or modality does not in any case imply any right of the student to request reimbursement of any amount already paid or that he was required to pay.
Graduates in this degree may work as teachers in Early Childhood Education with children from 0 to 6 years old, in Nursery Schools (public, private and State-subsidized), children's leisure centers, or play centers among others, having the possibility of teaching in bilingual centers, thanks to the Concentration in Foreign Language: English of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as specializing in other disciplines such as physical education, through the Concentration in Physical Education; therapeutic pedagogy, through the Concentration in Therapeutic Pedagogy or in Hearing and Language, taking the Concentration in Hearing and Language.
On the other hand, they can access sectors of different nature, but that require the knowledge of a graduate in Early Childhood Education, such as projects in museums, sports or recreational organizations, and sectors of creation of teaching materials, among others.
Companies collaborating with Nebrija University in terms of internships Professional NebrijaThe commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.
The Bologna Declaration formalized the principles on which the European Higher Education Area should be based: quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness and employment growth.
From this, Nebrija stands as an academic model of reference, educating students with excellent individual behavior, interaction with their environment and motivated by and for constant and continuous training. The Nebrija Institute of Professional Skills works every day to achieve the differentiation of our students through the development of attitudes and skills.
The main objective is for students to achieve the best of themselves through the development and empowerment of their personal skills and resources through personal self-knowledge.
In addition, some of the professional skills that are worked on within the three seminars are those related to interpersonal skills and active communication skills and negotiation, indispensable for our students to know how to transmit ideas, to argue them, to provide information and opinions in an adequate, clear and convincing way.
Within what will be their work performance, other aspects such as teamwork, conflict resolution and project management ability will be worked on.
In the third block, skills worked on are those aimed at increasing the student's employability. They will work with tools and techniques for job searching, and perform tasks that achieve in the student a greater use of their personal skills.
For all this we have currently active experts in selection of people, professionals dedicated to personal and professional training and professionals dedicated to the world of communication and the arts.
In this way, and in a complementary way to his/her specific training, we help the student create a differentiating pattern in the social and business environment in which he/she will be immersed when he/she finishes his/her studies.
The International Mobility Office of Nebrija University makes a constant effort to monitor the agreements with the most prestigious universities. Students may take an annual or semester period at universities in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. This option will broaden their vision of the world in addition to their language training, and prepare them to carry out their professional work rigorously in any corner of the world. Some of the Universities with which Nebrija University has established agreements are:
Development of the training program abroadBelow are some subjects that could be taken in the International Mobility Program (specified, according to the Learning Agreement signed with the host university):
International Mobility Program
Host universities
For more information on academic and linguistic requirements, contact the School’s international coordinator Cristina Herrero Fernández
NOTE: The host universities offered by degree may vary according to the International Mobility Program. For more up-to-date information, students can consult the online information in the International Mobility Program.
Several universities have special academic or linguistic requirements. For more information, consult the Department of International Programs.
Nebrija University Education students undergo training at the newly renovated Madrid-Arturo Soria Languages and Education Campus, equipped with modern facilities tailored for teaching and learning. An exemplary feature of this campus is the specialized classroom, designed for students to hone and apply techniques essential for their future careers as educators.
As part of the activities alongside the Royal Theater project, students enrolled in the Education Degrees have organized a workshop centered around Johann Strauss II's opera, "The Bat.".
See articleFirst chapter of the video podcast specialized in Education that analyzes the research processes and their application in neuroscience and the educational sector.
XVIII Multilingual Classroom on Environment at Nebrija University
Article published by Alexandra Delgado, professor at Nebrija University, on the ecological transition, the social change that it entails and the importance of applying this process in Education.
More information