This exclusive Bachelor's Degree provides comprehensive training in language, literature and culture that allows students to specialize in one of the many profiles of the current multilingual and multicultural environment. The degree focuses on three foreign languages and their cultures. After three academic years of general education, students can choose from a wide range of electives to specialize according to their own interests.
These three elective itineraries are:
1) international relations and international trade;
2) computational linguistics and linguistics applied to the teaching of foreign languages;
3) translation. This last itinerary is completed entirely at the University of Essex, where students are able to obtain an MA Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling from the that institution, simultaneously, which allows the graduate to conclude his/her studies with a double degree.
The Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages allows its graduates to work in multilingual and multicultural environments in the public and private sectors, both in Spain and in other countries. Specifically, the proposed sectors are: language teaching, communication, publishing, cultural industries, linguistic and cultural consultancy, cultural tourism, HR language policy and planning, international relations, linguistic and cultural translation and mediation, and language technology.
In the 21st century, modern applied language studies are increasingly needed and, in the international university field, it is one of the fastest growing fields of study in the Humanities. As globalization expands, there is a growing demand for people with intercultural communication skills who can engage linguistically with a wide audience. A Bachelor's degree in this field offers a competitive advantage to language teachers, interpreters, publishers and people who want to work with language in increasingly technological, multilingual and multicultural societies.
Leer +The Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages arises from the need to research new forms of intercultural or interlinguistic communication in professional fields, applying ethnolinguistic, descriptive and focused observation methodologies that allow a better understanding of social, cultural and linguistic phenomena and factors (pragmatic, grammatical, lexical, among others) that intervene in the communicative processes between people, in the man/machine interaction, and in its application to linguistic engineering.
In addition, all students can optionally study for a Diploma in Chinese Language and Culture accredited by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, which enhances the already high employability of this Bachelor's Degree.
Read LessThis exclusive Bachelor's Degree provides comprehensive training in language, literature and culture that allows specialization in one of the various profiles of today's multilingual and multicultural environment. The program focuses on three foreign languages and their cultures. After three general training courses, the student can choose from a wide range of electives to specialize according to their own interests.
BOE No. 70, of March 23, 2011
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 240 credits
The recognition of 6 credits will be arranged according to the different activities carried out by students throughout their degree. They will be awarded for university cultural activities, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation, and/or for attending one of the following subjects: Ethics of volunteering or Human Rights.
A program whose objective is to favor the practical training of the students, under the continuous supervision of the University's Department of Professional Careers, the academic department corresponding to the degree, and the collaborating company or institution where the internships are carried out. We provide advice on the choice of internships as well as follow-up and tutoring, always taking the student’s professional orientation into account.
Internships in companies or institutions are an opportunity for the student to integrate themselves and get to know first-hand the sector that interests them. Students will be able to carry out the internship from the moment in which they have passed 50% of the credits of their Curriculum, 120 ECTS credits. And during the internship period, students will have a tutor-professor in the Department.
Professional internships: collaborating entities Procedure to carry out Professional Internships Management process of professional internships and Professional Guidance More Information on Internships in CompaniesThis project involves the student carrying out research tasks on different subjects, under the supervision of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.
It corresponds to level C1.
More information hereThe recognition of 6 credits will be assessed depending on the different activities that the student performs throughout his degree. They will be awarded for university cultural activities, sports, student representation, solidarity and cooperation, or for taking one of the following subjects: Ethics of volunteering or Human Rights.
Program whose objective is to facilitate the practical training of the students, under the continuous supervision of the Department of Professional Careers of the University, the academic department corresponding to the degree and the company or collaborating institution where the internships are carried out. We provide advice on the choice of internships and follow-up and tutoring, always taking into account the professional orientation of each student.
The internships in companies or institutions are an opportunity for the student to integrate and get to know, directly, the sector that interests him/her. The student will be able to carry out the internships from the moment in which he/she has surpassed 50% of the credits of his/her Curriculum, 120 ECTS credits. Furthermore, during the internship the students have a tutor in the Department.
Prácticas externas: entidades colaboradoras Procedimiento de actuación en la realización de Prácticas Externas Proceso de gestión de las prácticas externas y Orientación Profesional Más Información de Prácticas en EmpresasThis project involves carrying out research tasks in different subjects by the student under the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Profesores Professors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
33 | 85% |
Tutores Tutors | Porcentaje de Doctores Percentage of PhD holders |
4 | 100% |
Official Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages
Those interested in studying and obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Applied Modern Languages from Nebrija University will be students of the Humanities and Social Sciences baccalaureates, with good grades, with a special inclination towards modern languages, literature, humanities and culture in general.
Specifically, the student who chooses Applied Modern Languages must have an interest in knowledge, in general; respect for culture; intellectual curiosity for the acquisition of new knowledge; interest in gaining international experience and broadening one's own view of the world; interest and sensitivity for literature and reading; interest in communicating in various languages and in learning about the cultures associated with those languages; inquisitiveness and curiosity for the manifestations of contemporary art, literature and culture and, in general, for the humanities; interest in the current socioeconomic and political environment; interest in becoming professionally competent; respect for human rights and equality between people; sensitivity towards people with disabilities. A command of English equivalent to at least the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment will be an access requirement, since it is the lingua franca of the degree.
With regard to their admission competences, basic skills in expressing themselves orally and in writing in the language chosen as the main language will be of value; basic knowledge about art and culture in its different manifestations and contexts; capacity for empathy and acceptance of cultural diversity; ability to appreciate linguistic and cultural diversity; sensitivity towards the humanities in general; conceptual, linguistic and perceptive aptitudes and capacities linked to this area of knowledge; ability to acquire new knowledge, not limited only to those related to the subjects of this degree; ability to integrate themselves into teams, to collaborate on different projects with other people, as well as to interact in different linguistic and cultural contexts.
240 ECTS credits.
Minimum 12 ECTS and maximum 90 ECTS per registration and academic period
Center responsible:School of Language and Education
Branch of knowledge: Arts and Humanities
Available places: - Classroom attendance: 45
- Online: 50
Type of Education: Classroom attendance / Online
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2022
Languages: Spanish, English, French and German
University Services: [+info]
Those interested in studying and or University must have the following profile. They will be students of the baccalaureate of Humanities and Social Sciences, with good grades, with a special inclination towards modern languages, literature, humanities and culture in general. Specifically, the student who chooses Applied Modern Languages must have:
With regard to their admission competences, the following will be of value:
The access routes to the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages are described below, in addition, the Antonio de Nebrija University will publish on its website the offer of available places for the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages:
In both cases, and when these students do not take the test, the grade to access official university degree studies will be the final grade obtained in the Baccalaureate courses.
At the Antonio de Nebrija University, the admission procedures established by university legislation will be carried out with particular reference to the guiding principles of accessing Spanish universities: equality, merit, ability, universal accessibility and adapting to the criteria of the European Higher Education Area.
In order to apply for admission to any official university Bachelor's degree, it will be necessary to complete the corresponding admission application through the University website, or request it at any of the university campuses within the deadlines established by the Department of University Development.
[+ Info]
In the case of students with validated foreign degrees, they must provide the following documentation:
Only those candidates who have submitted the required documentation within the deadlines established by the Admissions Department will be processed. In addition, the student will be asked for all the additional information that was deemed appropriate in order to know the candidate's suitability for the Bachelor's Degree.
For the purposes of pre-admission and admission, the evaluation of the candidate will be made using a scale of 0 to 10 points, taking into account the following criteria and percentages:
The Admissions Committee will meet when necessary and will communicate the result of the admission to the candidate through email, telephone and letter so that they can proceed with their enrollment.
Once the student has been admitted, they will proceed to enroll, which consists of the following phases:
Candidates must reserve a place. This economic pre-enrollment guarantees the candidate's place at the University. This will not be returned except for students who are only conditionally admitted, or do not meet the legal access requirements, or for a justified medical cause.
Pre-enrolled candidates who wish to formalize their academic enrollment at the University must, within the indicated deadlines, follow these steps:
1.- Submit documentation: prove that they meet the requirements established by Spanish university legislation to be able to start university studies.
2.- Formalize the enrolment process online: The self-enrollment service on the Nebrija website allows admitted students to carry out all the academic, economic and administrative procedures within the established deadlines. To do this, they will receive, together with their letter of admission, the access code and personal password necessary to be able to carry out their self-enrollment. Once the self-enrollment has been formalized, the candidate acquires the status of Nebrija University student.
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places offered, the student's academic record (grade average) will be taken as admission criteria.
Therefore, anyone interested in accessing the studies of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages must submit, without exception, their academic record, since it will be its grade average that decides their admission to the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages, if the number of applications exceeds the number of places offered.
Once all places are full, in the event that there are more candidates interested in accessing the degree, they will be placed on a waiting list in case of any possible vacancies that may arise before the start of the academic year, and will be subject to the admission and selection criteria detailed in point 4 used for the rest of applicants.
Areas and professional sectors where the graduate in Applied Modern Languages can develop their professional career:
The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.
The Bologna Declaration formalized the principles on which the European Higher Education Area should be based: quality, mobility, diversity, competitiveness and employment growth.
From this, Nebrija stands as an academic model of reference, educating students with excellent individual behavior, interaction with their environment and motivated by and for constant and continuous training. The Nebrija Institute of Professional Skills works every day to achieve the differentiation of our students through the development of attitudes and skills.
The main objective is for students to achieve the best of themselves through the development and empowerment of their personal skills and resources through personal self-knowledge.
In addition, some of the professional skills that are worked on within the three seminars are those related to interpersonal skills and active communication skills and negotiation, indispensable for our students to know how to transmit ideas, to argue them, to provide information and opinions in an adequate, clear and convincing way.
Within what will be their work performance, other aspects such as teamwork, conflict resolution and project management ability will be worked on.
In the third block, skills worked on are those aimed at increasing the student's employability. They will work with tools and techniques for job searching, and perform tasks that achieve in the student a greater use of their personal skills.
For all this we have currently active experts in selection of people, professionals dedicated to personal and professional training and professionals dedicated to the world of communication and the arts.
In this way, and in a complementary way to his/her specific training, we help the student create a differentiating pattern in the social and business environment in which he/she will be immersed when he/she finishes his/her studies.
The International Mobility Office of Nebrija University makes a constant effort to monitor the agreements with the most prestigious universities.
Students can study at one of the following foreign universities:
En esta edición, pretendemos poner el foco en la importancia de la transmisión de aspectos culturales en el aula de lenguas extranjeras, esencial para poder hablar y transmitir conocimiento en otro idioma.
[Leer más]
The Faculty of Languages and Education organizes this congress that serves as a meeting point for researchers and teachers, both experts and novices, to have the opportunity to share the results of their studies and didactic experiences.
Under the name of Multilingual Classroom: Do you speak my culture? Language, tradition and society in the language classroom, the students, supported by their professors, organized and participated in a playful way in a range of original activities that reflected the cultural diversity and curiosity to learn languages of which Nebrija University can boast.
[Read more]Get to know Madrid and practice the languages you study. This is the objective of the first "Language Passport" contest for undergraduate students, where they will have to overcome challenges and tests to fill out their passport.
[Read more]The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages had an enriching artistic experience in their visit to the 'Hergé' exhibition, at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. There they were able to view the work of the author of Tintin and French-speaking culture.
[Read more]The students of Language and Literature of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages enjoyed the wonders offered by the National Library of Spain and took a tour of its many manuscripts, incunabula and printed editions.
[Read more]Rowaida Solaiman Khalil, professor at Casa Árabe's Arabic Language Center, offered Nebrija University's students of the Bachelor's Degree in Applied Modern Languages a friendly, dynamic and enriching lecture full of resources and methods that brought Arab culture closer for those who study Arabic as a second language.
[Read more]Quesada has won the award with an activity he designed to teach English intonation to 60 Hispanic and Catalan-speaking university students in virtual mode during the pandemic.
[Read more]During the Science Week of the School of Languages and Education, the students of the Bachelor's Degree invite us to learn about and discuss the topics they covered. Some podcasts are specially designed for our international students and were able to be recorded in the radio studio of the School of Communication and Arts. This is one more example of Nebrija's transversal nature.