The Bachelor's Degree in Social Education allows you to devote yourself to a profession that actively promotes the improvement of social reality, together with the construction of a more just and caring world, through a great diversity of skills and socio-educational strategies.
It is a practical education with real experiences and exchanges with professionals to help minors, young people, women, immigrants, disadvantaged groups or those at risk of social exclusion, as described in the White Paper on Pedagogy and Social Education, which includes the fundamental bases in the training of this group of professionals.
With the Bachelor's Degree in Social Education, the student will learn to design socio-educational intervention actions and mediation strategies. Likewise, the student will play different types of roles within the framework of the policies of prevention, protection, insertion and promotion of citizenship, in a context of interdisciplinary networking.
The current panorama needs professionals who act as social educators, supporting those people at risk of social exclusion, who are especially vulnerable, people who do not have a voice in our society, but need resources and tools be integrated into society, to return and have an opportunity for personal and social development to which we all have a right.
Reducing the risk of poverty and social exclusion is one of the social integration objectives established in the European Union's growth strategy. Considering the current social, economic and educational context and global challenges, Social Education acquires an important social relevance in responding to these objectives. Likewise, Social Education favors the cohesion and social inclusion of people with different profiles who will require personalized and sustained support during their learning process (OCED, 2016), which requires collaborative work from different professionals involved in socio-educational intervention processes.
Read +Along the same lines, the social interest of the degree is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The goals pursued by the work of social education professionals and their fields of action connect directly with some of these objectives. The purpose of the SDGs is to intervene in the different contexts that work with Education, emphasizing the need to make efforts from education to achieve the full development of human rights, peace, the responsible exercise of citizenship, gender equality, sustainable development and health. In this sense, Social Education can be a facilitating agent of equality, non-discrimination, coexistence and the elimination of conflicts. Although Social Education is related, to a greater or lesser extent, to the 17 objectives (SDG1 "No Poverty", SDG2 "Zero Hunger", SDG 3 "Good health and Well-being", SDG4 "Quality Education", SDG5 "Gender Equality", SDG 10" Reducing Inequality", SDG16 " Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" and SDG17 "Partnerships for the Goals"), it is worth highlighting, due to its special link with Social Education, Objective 4, aimed at achieving quality, inclusive and equitable education, and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, and goals 10 and 5, related to the elimination of inequalities due to gender, ethnicity or disability, among others, and goal 16, which seeks peaceful and inclusive societies.
Read LessThe Bachelor's Degree in Social Education is taught at the renovated facilities of the Madrid-Princesa Campus, in the center of Madrid, very close to Puerta del Sol and close to museums, galleries, institutions and transport.
The University offers a collaboration agreement with the educational entity Fundación Diagrama
where students can carry out external academic internships.
All our degrees and curricula have been prepared in accordance with the new guidelines set by current legislation, having already been verified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment.
The student must take 240 credits
Elective subjects organized by learning pathway:
Practical training includes real-world experiences and interactions with professionals to advance community development, social and cultural inclusion, equal opportunities, gender equality, adult education, and health promotion.
This project involves the development of research tasks regarding different subjects by the student under the advice of one or several professors of the Department and, occasionally, professionals from the business world. For this, the student has the possibility to choose a project from among those offered.
Nebrija University, which is committed to languages and quality, provides the student with added value with the Diploma in English Professional Communication, which will allow him/her to achieve with confidence the competence demanded to successfully join the labor market.
It corresponds to level C1.
More information hereOfficial Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Social Education
People with great interest in educational and social issues, with a critical mind and committed to principles such as equality and social justice. In addition, students with the ability for observation, analysis and synthesis, with skill for teamwork and working in multidisciplinary environments, as well as initiative and creativity.
240 ECTS credits.
Minimum 12 ECTS and maximum 90 ECTS per registration and academic period
Center responsible:School of Language and Education
Branch of knowledge: Education
Available places: - Classromm attendance: 45
- Online: 200
Type of Education: Classromm attendance / Online
Academic year in which it was implemented: 2022 - 2023
Languages: Spanish / English
University Services: [+info]
In Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education, the following basic competences are described:
All Nebrija University programs, taught in online modality, have a methodological framework for teaching and learning that is adapted to the digital context, at both a technological and pedagogical level. The degree of application of the methodological model will depend, in part, on the type of program and the student profile.
In general, this model is characterized by:
The Directors/Academic Coordinators of the Program and the teaching staff have supporting documentation and specialized training for the application of the model, both in designing and teaching the programs taught in the virtual modality. This documentation is published on the Teaching Innovation Campus, which is accessible to all professors, and consists of:
Regarding education, each academic year the Training Department (HR) and Global Campus design a training program for professors to improve digital skills applied to teaching and research, based on general sessions and specialized on the operation of digital platforms and tools; didactic design in these environments, elaboration of didactic content, communication and evaluation models in virtual spaces, etc. Some of these training sessions are recorded and published on the Teaching Innovation Campus.
El escenario virtual principal de desarrollo de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje es el campus virtual. En la Universidad Nebrija el campus virtual está soportado por la plataforma LMS Blackboard Learn. Tal y como se ha indicado anteriormente, en el caso de los programas que se impartan en colaboración o estén sujetos a convenio con otras instituciones y/u organizaciones, se podrá valorar el desarrollo académico a través de otras plataformas LMS, como Moodle, Canvas, Dokeos, Chamilo, Sakai, etc.The main virtual stage for the development of teaching and learning processes is the virtual campus. At Nebrija University, the virtual campus is supported by the LMS platform Blackboard Learn. As stated previously, in the case of programs that are taught in collaboration or are subject to an agreement with other institutions and/or organizations, academic development may be assessed through other LMS platforms, such as Moodle, Canvas, Dokeos, Chamilo, Sakai, etc.
Students and professors have two types of courses on the virtual campus:
The use of Blackboard Learn tools, as with other platforms, is preceded by the most appropriate methodological design according to the type of program and student profile, taking into account: content, communication process and monitoring and evaluation activities:
Structure and sequencing in modules and didactic units based on the academic objectives of the subject:
The contents prepared by the professors of the Nebrija Global Campus programs have format templates and are subject to a double review system. On the one hand, the program director reviews the academic content and, on the other, a format review is carried out from Global Campus. In the case of multimedia and audiovisual content, production standards have also been established to facilitate their creation.
One-way communication tool (one-to-many) through which professors send relevant information to students through the virtual platform (Blackboard Learn). These communications, which are normally text (including other types of resources), arrive via a notification to the student's email and, in addition, are published on the subject's virtual campus. It is a basic tool for degrees taught in the virtual modality, since they are a source of information for students and they set the tone that professors will use in their communications with students. The most common uses are:
Asynchronous communication tool that allows the exchange of messages between students and professors through conversation threads. Its use encourages communication, debate and dialogue, collaborative work, group cohesion and joint construction of knowledge (socialization space).
Synchronous communication tool that allows simultaneous interaction by voice, video and text (and other resources) between multiple interlocutors, and that has the possibility of being recorded for later viewing. In the programs that are taught in virtual modality, synchronous attendance is not compulsory, although it is a very useful tool in the technology-mediated teaching-learning process. There are different implementation strategies in virtual (distance) and hybrid (blended) programs, taking into account the technical characteristics of the medium and its didactic design:
For the purposes of pre-admission and admission, the evaluation of the candidate will be done with a scale ranging from 0 to 10 points, taking into account the following criteria and percentages:
The Bachelor's Degree in Social Education equips students to engage in the advancement of community development, social and cultural inclusion, equal opportunities, gender equality, adult and elderly education, and health promotion.
Social Educators operate across diverse social contexts, including educational, social, and cultural mediation, as well as the design, implementation, and evaluation of socio-educational programs and projects. They also contribute to adult education, career guidance, addressing functional diversity, promoting gender equality, fostering interculturality, addressing addictions and eating disorders, conducting sociocultural animation, and participating in international cooperation efforts, among other areas.
This bachelor's degree empowers graduates to work with both the general population and specific groups of all ages who, due to their characteristics or personal circumstances, encounter particular challenges in their social, work, and/or educational integration.
Social Educators fulfill their professional roles through employment opportunities in both public and private entities, including:
The figure of the social education professional is regulated in the collective agreements of the Third Sector, where their competences, qualifications and functions are specified, as well as in the improved agreements that are published by the different social entities.
In the field of Public Administration, a specific professional profile fitting that of Social Education is requested for different action areas. Such is the case of common administrative procedures such as tenders and subsidies that are regulated under the Public Sector Contract Law. In this sense, taking into account the specific action and intervention service, the state and regional regulations that regulate the operation of said services will be taken into account. For example: In the case of a tender for the management of compliance with judicial measures of minors under 18 years of age in detention centers, in addition to the Juvenile Justice Law, the Decree that regulates the organization and operation of the Centers will be taken into account, which clearly specifies which is the team that must be at the disposal of the Service and the profile of each professional. The figure of the Social Education professional can be found in these teams.
Lastly, due to the fact that Social Education is in any field of action within the social field, Public Administrations have considerably increased the offer of public employment for social education professionals, either for Secondary Schools or Community Social Services, among others. In these cases, the required qualification must be to have a university degree, either an Associate's or Bachelor's Degree in Social Education. If there are indications of not complying with the requirement of specialized training, there will be no qualified professionals.
Thus, we can affirm that employability in the field of Education is wide and diverse, allowing the presence of these professionals in institutions and entities of a public and private nature, exercising their functions both with the general population and with groups that are in a situation vulnerability or at risk of social exclusion.
The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirement, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, employability of the graduates and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer and internationalization.
Nebrija University, in accordance with the objectives proposed in "The Nebrija Contract", directs its efforts into turning its students into valuable professionals in the labor market. To this end, the Nebrija Institute of Professional Competences (INCP) was created, which leads training in professional competences, employability, managerial skills, coaching, personal branding and any other subject related to professional, personal and social development.
The activity of the Competence Institute comprises all the university's activity segments. On the one hand, it carries out three subjects that are distributed throughout the Bachelor's Degree and that enable students to effectively manage their work, proactively develop personal and professional self-improvement processes and properly guide their first steps in the working world. In addition, the INCP incorporates coaching modules for employability in different university postgraduate programs, and designs and carries out in-company training actions tailored for different projects in companies and institutions.
The methodology of these actions, which is completely personalized and eminently practical, provides the participant with an adjusted analysis of their personal characteristics and their adaptation to the demands of the working world and the company, and offers an individualized development plan that is complemented by practical actions. through which they must learn to solve real life situations.
The International Mobility Office of Nebrija University makes a constant effort to monitor the agreements with the most prestigious universities. Students will be able to attend an annual or semester period in universities in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. This option will broaden their vision of the world, in addition to their linguistic training, and will prepare them to rigorously carry out their professional work anywhere in the world.
As part of the activities alongside the Royal Theater project, students enrolled in the Education Degrees have organized a workshop centered around Johann Strauss II's opera, "The Bat".
See articleSecond chapter of the video podcast specialized in Education, which discusses emotions in the classroom and how they affect language learning.
Presentation of the illustrated book on Antonio de Nebrija aimed at children between 8 and 11 years old. A graphic and educational approach to the life of the father of Spanish grammar.
See articleStudy published by Mónica Moreno and Mercedes Pedrajas, professors at the University, on the addiction of minors to Social Networks and the possible solutions available to families.
See articleArticle published by Alexandra Delgado, professor at Nebrija University, on the ecological transition, the social change that it entails and the importance of applying this process in Education.
More informationThe 18th edition of the Plurilingual Classroom on the Environment held at the Nebrija University brings new environmental projects to students with the aim of raising awareness from a multicultural angle.